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Yes that's exactly where they will have it, pickling season is right around the corner so I would keep an eye on that isle.

This is the exact item you want, it's a 1lb bag;

@HiFidelity - thanks! I do have the habit of butting in on conversations on occasion ;) so I appreciate the response!
At this point the whole thing is a thought experiment on my part. What I'm doing seems to be working, but I was wondering out loud if maybe a kalk based approach would be a little more scalable to a larger tank in the future. I'll keep it in mind and do more reading as you've suggested. Plus, discussions like this appeal to the chemistry geek in me...
@HiFidelity - thanks! I do have the habit of butting in on conversations on occasion ;) so I appreciate the response!
At this point the whole thing is a thought experiment on my part. What I'm doing seems to be working, but I was wondering out loud if maybe a kalk based approach would be a little more scalable to a larger tank in the future. I'll keep it in mind and do more reading as you've suggested. Plus, discussions like this appeal to the chemistry geek in me...

Butting in is expected on a forum. In fact it's not even 'butting in', it's joining the conversation!

The issue with Kalk is pH. It might not be able to scale up the Kalk additions depending on consumption. A heavy SPS tank will need a lot of Kalk and that will cause pH issues. Randy Holmes-Farley has spoken and written extensively about the options as consumption increases or tank size increases. Kalk plus two part scales well. At some point big tanks/heavy SPS tanks are well suited to Ca reactors. It's all dependent on what you have in the tank, what level of automation you have/want and how much money you are willing to spend.
Also, I personally feel anything food grade or sold for human consumption will be safe for my tank. I've seen a few arguments over this, but for me it comes down to this:

I know items meant for humans are tested for purity. Items sold for fish aren't. Just because an aquarium sales pitch claims "lab grade" it doesn't actually mean there is any oversight...
I finally found a bag of Mrs. Wages Pickling Lime. In, of all places, ACE Hardware. Went in just to browse since it is quite close to my new place and they had a jar/canning section and there they were. Had a few bags but I bought just 1. Funny thing is right next it is a bottle of Lye, which is what pickling lime is but this bottle had all sorts of warnings and a poison logo and everything. Right next to this cheery bag with picture of veges in a bowl and both are the same thing!
Lye and pickling lime are NOT the same thing!!!!

Lye = Sodium Hydroxide
PL = Calcium hydroxide

The reason the Lye had poison warnings is because it IS poison! It is or used to be the active ingredient in drain cleaner!
You CAN dose Sodium Hydroxide (not sure why on earth anyone would do it) it will boost alk but not calcium thus causing an imbalance, therefore Calcium Hydroxide is the winner still :)

by the way, important to point out some safety notes with pickling lime, yes it's for consumption but the powder itself isn't safe on its own, here's a sniped from Randy's article on kalkwasser;

"Lime Safety
On the negative side, limewater does have some safety concerns that don’t apply to most other calcium and alkalinity additive systems. The high pH of the liquid and the dust hazard of the solid are not to be treated lightly. Inhalation of the dust is to be avoided. Splashing limewater onto skin is also to be avoided, and should be followed by extensive rinsing with tap water if it happens. Splashing limewater into the eyes is especially to be avoided, and the use of safety goggles is prudent when using large amounts or in situations where exposure is likely. Extensive and immediate rinsing with tap water, followed by professional help, would be advised in the case of eye exposure. Keep in mind that the slippery feeling that a high pH liquid such as limewater causes on your hands is due to the breakdown of the fats in the skin into fatty acids (which are soaps).

Quicklime has some special hazards beyond normal lime and limewater. Specifically, these relate to the heat produced when calcium oxide hydrates to form calcium hydroxide. A small amount of water added to a significant amount of quicklime will get very hot. It can even boil. Some aquarists have melted Nilsen reactors this way, and some have had such reactors “explode,” presumably through rapid heating and pressure buildup. So when using calcium oxide, be sure to add a small amount of lime to a significantly larger amount of water."

That last line is important, do not add water to pickling lime but always add the pickling lime to your container already filled with water. I've also inhaled pickling lime dust by accident before, cough & cough & cough & cough & cough, it's not fun.
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Lye and pickling lime are NOT the same thing!!!!

Lye = Sodium Hydroxide
PL = Calcium hydroxide

The reason the Lye had poison warnings is because it IS poison! It is or used to be the active ingredient in drain cleaner!

Oops. Guess thats what I get for not bringing my glasses when I go out. I'm at that age where the darn things are becoming increasingly necessary.

That and I was hungry smelling the aroma coming out of the Mexican restaurant next door.

That's my story n I'm sticking to it!
Oops. Guess thats what I get for not bringing my glasses when I go out. I'm at that age where the darn things are becoming increasingly necessary.

That and I was hungry smelling the aroma coming out of the Mexican restaurant next door.

That's my story n I'm sticking to it!


I once bought a BIG container of fabric softener instead of laundry detergent. Another 'shopping without glasses' experience!