
Koi scopas tangs

Marcus H

Supporting Member
I dunno if anyone's interested but I spotted a couple nice looking koi scopas at under the sea in rohnert park. The dark blue and brown coloration. Never seen one in person. They had a big achilles too. Too spendy for me but were neat.
They do have their buy two get one free (equal or lesser value) special going on right now according to their site...haha.
Violet Aquarium in San Jose always has a few of them.

Violet Aquarium in San Jose always has a few of them.

They seem to have a lot of stuff there and nobody talks about that place. What's the deal?
I don't know. I have been there a few times just to check them out. They were in the process of expanding. Staff was very friendly. I have heard comparisons to 6th Ave. Honestly, so few places do any kind of QT(ie high tide) that I think one place is probably just as good as another in terms of disease transmission and overall health. The only concern I had was the number of fish per tank. That does seem to add more stress to the fish. I think if you plan on doing your own QT or are OK with the risk then it is worth a shot. They always seem to have a lot of availability and can get stuff in that other places can't.

I’ve been to violet old store and seen his qt system up close. I can tell you it’s not a true qt. More of a tmm. I think he’s more into volume than anything else. But I haven’t been there in a long time.
Oh and his tanks did have ich. So be careful if your thinking your getting a fish that has been quarantined the right way.