Since I last updated I've added a pair of Bangaii Cardinalfish and many corals. My first DBTC is growing out nicely. On the equipment side, I've added a 24" blue Reef Bright and set up automated water changes.
Here's some pics starting with a FTS:
Kryptonite Candy Cane growing out nicely:
A nice acro frag from GM:
Tri-Color Pocillopora thriving:
Lavender Milli frag from GM:
DBTC Mystery Monti encrusting nicely. Should be ready to frag in a few months.
Green Slimer starting to branch:
Tyree War Coral from Neptune:
Meteor Shower Cyphastrea from Neptune recovered from it's initial light shock and is pumping out new heads:
Acan from Neptune I'm still experimenting with what light and flow it needs:
Bridsnest from swap. The tip in the direct current died of. Finally starting to show signs of growth.
Moni from swap going gangbusters. This is easily my fastest growing coral.