got ethical husbandry?

Konkers' 40 gal stretch hex

Since I last updated I've added a pair of Bangaii Cardinalfish and many corals. My first DBTC is growing out nicely. On the equipment side, I've added a 24" blue Reef Bright and set up automated water changes.

Here's some pics starting with a FTS:

Kryptonite Candy Cane growing out nicely:

A nice acro frag from GM:

Tri-Color Pocillopora thriving:

Lavender Milli frag from GM:

DBTC Mystery Monti encrusting nicely. Should be ready to frag in a few months.

Green Slimer starting to branch:

Tyree War Coral from Neptune:

Meteor Shower Cyphastrea from Neptune recovered from it's initial light shock and is pumping out new heads:

Acan from Neptune I'm still experimenting with what light and flow it needs:

Bridsnest from swap. The tip in the direct current died of. Finally starting to show signs of growth.

Moni from swap going gangbusters. This is easily my fastest growing coral.
nanocube-guy said:
How do u set up an automatic water change?

I used the Apex and a few pumps. Configuring it was pretty convoluted due to the Apex's limited programming abilities. I've been meaning to write a post about how I set it up.

nanocube-guy said:
If u glue then to a rock, how will your propogate these Corals later on?

For branching and tabling SPS I can clip of a piece in place. For encrusting SPS and LPS I've been gluing to a small rock then gluing that to the base rock with the idea of being able to pop the smaller rock off later. Gives a more natural look while still being modular. We'll see how that works out.