If you are patient, and looks like you are. Take the time to research a QT method that will suit you. Doing Tank Transfer Method (TTM) for Ich control and dosing Parizpro during TTM will take care of 90% of the potential issues. 2-3 5 gallon buckets, 2-3 heaters, an air pump and a stack of disposable air stones will be all you need to do TTM. As long as you are not buying large adult fish that is.
Then a 10-20g tank, that you can buy from Petco during their gallon for dollar sale that happens twice a year, will serve as a hospital/observation tank if the fish warrants a longer QT period. Heater, HOB filter should be all you need.
Problem with waiting for THAT fish is that your tank may have already been infected by ich or other diseases from other fish that you've added. If you don't start QT from the beginning, there really is no reason to start at all.
So if you add some starter fish like a clownfish or gobies and add them without QT the. Find THE fish you want, potentially pricey, it's too late to quarantine so you'll just have to throw it in n hope it stays resistant to any parasites or disease the previous fish have brought in.
And if you do wipe out the tank, you have to remove any remaining fish, do a treatment then put them into a holding tank while you leave the display tank fallow for 72days. I know you are patient but if you had to do that a few times, even your patience will be tested! Many have given up due to this.
So please rethink not qting from the beginning, we want you to succeed in having a beautiful thriving tank.
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