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List of Fish stores that quarantine live stock

Is there a list of Bay area Stores that quarantine their live stock?

As of now:

Bay Bridge aquarium and Pet (Oakland) (2 week quarantine)
360 Coralz ( San Jose)
Fish Doctor (Service clients only)( Pacifica)

Post here and I can create that list.

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Other than holding for a few weeks, he usually treats his fish with prazipro.

Usually he will tell me how long the fish has been around as well, which I find helpful.

Atvhis new location, looks like he is setting up a separate QT system and then transferring to retail tanks

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Every time I see fish doctor posting fish for sale, he's said that they've gone through a 2-4 week copper + prazi treatment, which should eliminate the vast majority of pests.

The other LFS I've spoken to about their QT protocols (bay bridge, violet) use a very abbreviated (read: not as thorough) treatment.
Aquatic collection is my favorite store for fish. Best to QT all new fish. Not worth the risk.
I’ve learned my lesson

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I agree with everything you said. I have noticed tho there are a few fish that require someone with more experience to quarantine and for those certain fish I'm looking for I rather have that peace of mind that it's been quarantined professionally, of course I will take my own precautions after that.

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Aquatic collection is my favorite store for fish. Best to QT all new fish. Not worth the risk.
I’ve learned my lesson

Same here. AC’s fish selection is excellent, their stock is overall in better condition than other shops, and they don’t tell dodgy stories about their qt processes.
I agree with everything you said. I have noticed tho there are a few fish that require someone with more experience to quarantine and for those certain fish I'm looking for I rather have that peace of mind that it's been quarantined professionally, of course I will take my own precautions after that.

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Can’t remember the name but there’s a place in LA you can buy completely clean fish that have been through a rigorous QT process. You certainly pay an arm and a leg for it but I’m sure what you want is a specialized place as most LFS just don’t have the labor $$s lying around to maintain such an arduous system.
As best I’ve been able to gather, these online vendors do some version of a legit QT:

Hello and happy holidays all.
What I do for my service clients is a 90 day quarantine that includes cooper treatment at .02 (verified every other day with a Hanna cooper checker) for 3 weeks and a following prazi treatment for another week.
Even with a month of good health I still wait and observe for bacteria, viral disease and parasites for another 2 months before I regime the animals in most cases.
I tried to offer this service as a retail offering for about a year but could not get enough support to break even so I no longer offer quarantine without my service.
My suggestion is bay bridge (which I have not been to but have heard good things about) or aquatic collection and do a full (45 day minimum) quarantine yourself in a dedicated tank with multiple sponge filters, and a hob filter.
IMO you are the only person who can verify the quarantine has been done completely and the fish are ready to go into a display tank, no retail business I am aware of will be able to do this to my satisfaction (or I would buy from them) and as such I cannot recommend any stores who will do so. I have been buying thousands of dollars of fish for my business since 2002 and I am moving away from buying wild caught fish (I purchased only 4 boxes last year vs dozens for many years) and focusing my aquarium displays on aquaculture animals and sustainable practices.
I just got some amazing fish and clams from Biota by the way I highly recommend you seek out their captive bred fish and corals, the mandarin gobys and clams are amazing!
Best of luck with your reef and happy new year all.

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Personally, i QT all fish, even Divers Den. I will say that I feel better when I procure fish from local vendors that go through some sort of Quarantine.
Same here. AC’s fish selection is excellent, their stock is overall in better condition than other shops, and they don’t tell dodgy stories about their qt processes.
Funny, every fish I have got from Aquatic collection have died withen a week or 2 while stocks from Neptune bee much better quality for me..
I do not think there are stores that quarantine. Most decent stores will have dedicated systems for fish and some would have separated system for finicky fish. But that will not mean it's a guaranteed..
Isn't proper quarantine require 6 to 8 weeks...which buissness can sleep on money for 6 to 8 weeks holding a system hostage?.

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Funny, every fish I have got from AC have died withen a week or 2 while stocks from Neptune beenuch better quality for me..
I do not think there is stores that quarantine. Most decent stors will have dedicated systems to fish and some would have separated system for finicky fish. But that will not mean it's a guaranteed..
Is not proper quarantine require 6 to 8 weeks...which buissness can sleep on money for 6 to 8 weeks holding a system hostage?.

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That’s the thing, everyone has their own version of what it means to qt. I’ve never asked if or how a vendor qt’s because it doesn’t really matter to me. I still will do my process regardless. It’s too easy to contaminate the process and therefore make it pointless and just add undue stress on the fish. Maybe it would be better if I asked about qt and prefer that they don’t.

I’ve bought from LA with their 14 day live guarantee and from LFS’s where I can inspect and watch the behavior of the fish. I’ve not had any fish that have died shortly after purchasing (I’ve only killed them myself).