Cali Kid Corals

Login in using Iphone

Does anyone having login issue using Iphone. I used to be able to check my messages using my iphone. I would be able to login, but once i view any pages. It would log me out.

Anyone have this issue?
I can use the site with an iphone.

However, when I click a link in an email notification I have to log in every time. Once I log in, the BAR server does not automatically take me to the post that was in the link. That means I have to go looking for it manually and consequently means I only do it for posts that seem very important.

Any thoughts on this PixelPixi?
I used to be able to login using my Iphone. Now, it logs me out as soon as i view a post or message. Kinday sucks, its one of the reason i got an iphone :bigsmile:
Hmm. That's weird. I can't imagine what might be causing this. Are there any cookie settings for the iphone's web browser? The only thing I can think of that might cause this problem is the Drupal/SMF integration, but I'm not sure why that would do this.

Sounds like BAR needs to buy me an iPhone so I can look into this. Bryan, that's in the budget, right? ;)
Thanks everyone, I resetted my Iphone to all default setting and it started working again. I must have changed something.

Erin, Hope you still get your Iphone from Bryan :bigsmile:
corals b 4 bills said:
I can see every post 7 picture.......But, my iphone still uses the ols sites software, the last days before the switch is the only thing I can veiw.

Is there a way to clear the browser cache? If not, you can enter the url as instead of just and that should work.