Neptune Aquatics

Looking for anemone

I suspect that the only relatively surefire way of getting one to host is to get a wild caught and the proper host species. On the other hand, I have heard of people having success using training videos to get their clowns to host (I'm not making this up!)
If your interested, I have several rainbow bubble tips for $25 each.

My Clowns host in a rainbow bubble tip.

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I have 2 clowns, for the past 6 years or so, one lives in a cluster of hammer coral and the other lives in my overflow. The one in the overflow used to host a big BTA but when it bit the dust in a powerhead (very sad day) he decided to live out his days in the overflow. When he first did it I moved him back to the tank a few times but he jumps back in so I leave him there now.

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