
Looking For BASF Thorite

I saw a few threads from the past year or so that referenced this product, but does anyone have any recent info on where this can be found? My incognito new build finally got to the point of water testing, so I'm finally able to start doing something with the multiple brutes and tubs of rock that have been patiently waiting for the past two years or so!

Thanks in advance for any help ...
Depending on how much you need, I have some (I usually buy 100# at a time). Also have Acryl 60 to add some flexibility to the mortar. I'll be at the swap, so LMK.

This stuff is great to work with, you can do some amazing structures for sure!!



Eileen, thanks for the suggestion and I did chat with Marc but thought I'd try local before shipping it out.

John, how much of the mortar and Acryl 60 do you have? I've got a rather large application and would be happy to buy any extra off you ... I'll also be at the swap tomorrow so that would be ideal.

Nice aquascaping Johnny !

Robin- Glad to hear your getting to the rockscaping ! I have a fiberglass rod I can give you and some 1" acrylic scraps you can use to tap (ala Marco).
Jim, thanks for the offer and would be happy to take you up on the rod offer if it's 3/8". If you have 1/4" I'm actually overloaded with that size (probably well over 30 liner feet of it). As for the scraps I might be able to use those but am going to probably go barebottom in which case I'd need to camo the base ...

Yep ... exciting to finally get to the artistic part but I stilll need to get comfortable with the plumbing such that I know I won't wake up one morning with a couple hundred gallons of salt water all over the new floors!

Good seeing you today. I gave the rod to John since I think you two are hooking up for the aquascaping ? He has a great eye and comes with tools in hand. lol.
Thanks Jim, likewise ... John offered to help and his expertise would be invaluable, but right now my schedule is so dynamic that I'm not sure from day to day when I'll have some time to do this. Likely it'll have to be an hour here and an hour there in the evenings after work when nothing else urgent is happening. It will get done though ... took me only 17 months after tank delviery to do the water test ;-) !

BTW, thanks for bringing over the acrylic scraps ... they will be fun to play with.