

I got this guy from Robert a few months back and at the time we had no ID on it. A couple months ago, it got into a fight with a scoly and lost :p It's fully recovered now, but I now have a skeletal photo which may help with an ID.


I'll see if I can get as sweeper image (it is similar to above, but they are huge. Not gallaxia huge, but 4" long (and maybe longer). They don't hurt the sculy (just angers it) but hurts a duncan)

Top down after losing a fight
Can't Favia spp. heads get just as large as A. lordhowensis? My Prism Favia has pretty large polyps ... largest polyps of any of Favia or Favites I have :D
A_Lee said:
Can't Favia spp. heads get just as large as A. lordhowensis? My Prism Favia has pretty large polyps ... largest polyps of any of Favia or Favites I have :D
Pretty sure they are calling prism and reverse prism (favias) goniastreas now.