High Tide Aquatics

Lukes 20 Gallon Tank Journal Restarted

Update on fish: He still looks like he cannot see, while he looks healthy(his eyes look perfectly fine), I'm really worried it won't last for long because he cannot find the food. He is actively trying to find it ( goes up to the surface at feeding time and randomly bites it like he's biting food.) But he cant find it. I have tried to put it right in front of him with the turkey baster but no luck. What do you guys think I should do. I don't think he will last much longer.
Update: fish seems to not see well still, but he is getting better at finding food. Hopefully he will be okay. On another note, sadly it seems that the Dino’s has returned. While I was running a UV which seemed to help and cause the return to be much slower. They have cam back. I think at this point is is because there isn’t enough biodiversity to outcompete the Dino’s, so the little that isn’t being touched by the uv just keeps repopulating slowly. I have been dosing micro bacteria 7 but idk if it is helping. Any tips on what to do to increase biodiversity. Any others ideas to keep these Dino’s in check.

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