Reef nutrition

Maker Faire!! wooOOOOOOO!!!

Just a reminder that Maker Faire is this weekend, lots of crazy diy projects and inventions on display. Plus carnival junk food and things that spew fire.
I've missed in several years in a row now, hopefully not this year! I even missed one where a guy was using our rotifers for his project he was doing at IBM and presenting at the faire.
Unfortunately it falls at an inopportune moment for me, as a result no go this year. I did get a bit confused about the parking situation, I read that it was $17 to park, or you can park for free at a nearby lot and get shuttled in or something? Not quite sure where 'nearby" is, but I think they designed the San Mateo Expo so there was no "Nearby" or otherwise free parking since they get quite the revenue stream from that.
Park wherever you like along the caltrain route and get off at the Hillsdale station and walk for a few minutes, or get off at the Hayward Park station and get on a shuttle. I tried parking AT the event a few years ago and while I DID get a spot, it's a test of patience.

A list of places to park, with prices and distances:
Maker faire is always loads of fun. Really looking forward to it this year because I missed it last year. It also feels odd that I don't know anyone who's exhibiting this year.