
Managing electricity costs


Supporting Member
I’m curious how everyone is managing electricity costs, especially people with larger/multiple tanks? The hobby is getting more expensive in CA with PG&E recently increasing rates and planning another hike in a few months.

I’ve cut back my lighting schedule and probably plan on shutting down my frag tank.
I power audit everything with a kilowatt meter. I try to pick the most efficient pumps that’s Powerheads, return pump, skimmer pump as they are running 24/7. My lights are on a 8 hour schedule when my solar is on. I have lids or canopy on all my aquariums to try to keep the heat in. I run the aquariums at 75*. I know the temperature isn’t optimal but it’s still fine. I heat the room at night with central heating from the house. I run about 350 gallons of water between 5 aquariums and a sump. During the day I pull about 1.2kwh. At night it’s .5kwh. I try to design my system to use gravity as much as possible. That way I don’t have to run another pump to move water.
I think pge is going to raise the rate again in march.
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Solar plus NEM 2.0 has kept costs to almost zero. Acrylic tanks also are nice for maintaining heat vs. glass. I also keep temps lower like Will does 76-77F.

If you can run lights on your frag tank outside of the 4-9pm window you should save too.
Solar plus Powerwalls so that I almost never have to pay the highest time of use EV rate. But that’s just spending money to save money so it’s hard to really call it a win. The powerwalls are also key to surviving the 12 or so times a year we lose power due to PGE’s poorly maintained hardware and lines, and lack of redundancy.
I went solar a couple of years ago. Saw the writing on the wall when it came to PGE. I did not really take the fish tank into account at the time, but it has worked out well. The powerwalls work great. It is spending money to save money, but in the long run it will be a huge money saver. And, now I don't worry about adding more lights, more tanks, heaters, whatever. We have not had to pay for any electricity since we had it installed. Too bad they changed the tiers last year for new solar homes.
I almost made a similar post. I am curious how folks tanks are impacting their power bills. We are paying nearly $600/mo in a pretty modestly sized Eichler. I have a 225g that I keep around 76-78 deg. Would love to hear more data points!

Solar wasn’t an option when we initially looked because of our flat roof, but I think there are better options now…
I almost made a similar post. I am curious how folks tanks are impacting their power bills. We are paying nearly $600/mo in a pretty modestly sized Eichler. I have a 225g that I keep around 76-78 deg. Would love to hear more data points!

Solar wasn’t an option when we initially looked because of our flat roof, but I think there are better options now…

Silicon Valley power in Santa Clara. I’m paying something like 12-15 cents per kWh ( haven’t check the latest rates) which I think is significantly cheaper than PGE. Same rates 24hours.

In my case, 2400 sq ft home, 2 EV car , 65g tank average about $130 / 850kwh a month
Silicon Valley power in Santa Clara. I’m paying something like 12-15 cents per kWh ( haven’t check the latest rates) which I think is significantly cheaper than PGE. Same rates 24hours.

In my case, 2400 sq ft home, 2 EV car , 65g tank average about $130 / 850kwh a month
That’s really cheap.
PGE the basic plan. Teir 1 is .38kwh , Teir 2 is.41kwh. In sf. They only allow 7.6kwh per day.
I forgot the other plans. I researched it while ago.
Most recent bill . I explore solar years ago and it doesn’t make sense for my financially back then.


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who are you using to do this?
We used Sun First Solar for my house and my parents'. I opted to go without the power wall and they installed 16 panels in only one full day of work. The power wall was the complicated part for their house and it was 100% delayed by the new inspectors each time not agreeing.

Also DM me if you need a referral, they give pretty good discounts.
We used Sun First Solar for my house and my parents'. I opted to go without the power wall and they installed 16 panels in only one full day of work. The power wall was the complicated part for their house and it was 100% delayed by the new inspectors each time not agreeing.

Also DM me if you need a referral, they give pretty good discounts.
I have solar on both my house and my office. But I am looking to add a couple powerwalls to my office.
Just called PE&E here are the plans. incase you are curious..

* Home Charging EV2-A (All Days) (EV PLAN)
Off Peak 12 am-3pm 0.34 kwh
Part Peak 3pm-4pm, 9pm-12am 0.51 kwh
Peak 4pm-9pm 0.53 kwh
No Cap Limit

* Time Of Use
Off Peak Before 5pm - After 8pm 0.46 kwh
Peak 5pm-8pm 0.48 kwh
No Cap Limit
weekdays, anytime weekends, holidays
Oct-May Cheaper prices
June-Sept more expensive

* Electric Home E-ELEC (EV PLAN )
Off Peak 12am-3pm 0.36 kwh
Part Peak 3-4 pm 9-12am 0.38 kwh
Peak 4-9 pm 0.40 kwh
Base Fee $15 dollars a month
No Cap Limit
Oct-May Cheaper prices
June-Sept more expensive

* Time Of Use E-TOU-C
Off Peak Before 4pm - After 9pm 0.38 kwh (Tier 1) 0.48 kwh (Tier2)
Peak 4-9pm 0.41 kwh (Tier1) 0.51 kwh (Tier 2)
I'm only allowed 7.6 kwh per day. everyone varies, check you bill for allowance (Cap Limit)
Oct-May Cheaper prices
June-Sept more expensive

* Tiered Rate Plan E-1
Flat rate 0.38 kwh (Tier1) 0.41 kwh (Tier2)
I'm only allowed 7.6 kwh per day. everyone varies, check you bill for allowance (Cap Limit)

there are higher Tiers and discounts but i didn't get into that. The EV plans need a EV car and you have to be approved to get those plans. Hope this Helps.
Is everyone going with Tesla Solar or a PPA type of company like Sun Run?
I got a quote from Sun Run back in August for:
- 12 panels
- 1 Tesla Powerwall
- System size: 4.74kW.
- Annual production: 6980kWh
- Usage Offset 42%.
- $0.25/kWh for 25 years with a annual escalator of 3.50%.

It didn't make sense for me since my roof was only able to accommodate 12 panels max. I would've still had to pay Sun Run and PG&E monthly. I also heard a lot of bad feedback with Sun Run.
My PG&E is about $600-$700 these past few months. I'm on the EV2-A plan. I have 5 tanks that need to be consolidated to reduce electricity and own a Tesla.

Anyone else have insight with Tesla Solar vs all the other companies out there?
For powerwall installs I recommend going through Tesla directly. They have it down, including permitting. I’ve installed with them twice, 2 sets of 2. Of course your city or inspector can make things difficult if they want.

They were also the cheapest option.