Yeah. Chopped up shrimp or something. He will stay in the same hole. The easiest way is to take the rock out and move it to a small aquarium. Then use the bottle trap. You know you got the right rock when the ticking goes away and moves into the small aquarium.
I had him for a while. He’s kinda fun. Never hurt anything. I gave him to Dennis.
They are usually clubbers from the gulf.
I’ve had 2 mantis’ over the years, both smackers. First one was all black, about an inch long and was in the tank for probably 3 years before disappearing. Now I have what I think is a wennerae from some Florida rock that’s about 3”. I have it in with my breeding occilaris clowns with no issue. Ime, the aggressiveness and dangerousness of small smashers is overstated, unless you’re a snail or hermit crab . Plus they’re super cool critters.
Oh - hmmm, well maybe i’ll just leave him be! They are super cool - I was mostly afraid of losing fish. But this guy is a clubber and doesn’t even eat fish. Thanks for the great link above.