Cali Kid Corals

marine velevet!!!!!!!!! Crap

I would need to place the cleaned fish in a normal tank before the fallow ends and return to DT
It is just one fish. my sailfin is about 4 inches long. not big
I would need to place the cleaned fish in a normal tank before the fallow ends and return to DT
It is just one fish. my sailfin is about 4 inches long. not big
TTM is short term, for a couple of weeks while you medicate.
Then in QT for a very long time while your DT disinfects itself.
Look up fallow period online for velvet. I don't think it is the same as ich.

(Although it is possible you have ich, not velvet. They are pretty similar looking)
I’ll be mixing lots of water . Is transfer every 2 days ok

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2 days is fine.

I personally just clean with tap and let dry for 48 hours +. Don't need bleach as the drying will kill whatever is left

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My mortality rate was alarming. Its velvet. My little purple tang, showed me the velvet. It showed up on him big time. The other fish had no powder stuff on them. they simply died without showing signs of distress. I lost about 5 fish in a week .....
i think velvet will kill some fish without them showing much signs of distress. my little purple and little trigger showed signs- flashing- hiding- labored breathing. the angel fish just died over night. I change my filter sock out 2x week, do weekly WC. MY corals are doing well.
It just sucks that this parasite did what it did. I swear I hate this. Ich- i have had one or two fish get and fight off in the past. this is something much more sinisiter

Does this look like ich or velvet? This is my female maroon clown fish that looks like it’s kind of coated with something . I will take a picture of the little male who looks completely clean so I’m a little confused here I guess it might be possible that the big one has it in the little one doesn’t although that seems weird to me.

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This is the little mail he looks completely clean of any dust code of any sort both Fisher acting fairly normal and eating

Anyhow I went to Petsmart and picked up a 40 gallon breeder that I could use for my quarantine tank last night I also dosed copper at .5 in my bio cube where the sailfin is

I also gave it a freshwater dip which it did fine with.

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In my old tank of the past, I somehow got marine velvet and it wiped out all my ventralis anthias, bellus genicanthus, and everything other than a flame angel and my clowns. What's interesting is, when this happened, ich showed up. For years I never knew the tank had ich, or maybe whatever brought marine velvet also brought in ich. But yeah, ich isn't the killer I'm most scared of, I think it shows up when fish are stressed or have other issues.
Looks like velvet. Ich spots are larger. Rule of thumb if you can count it it's ich. If you can't it's velvet.

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The easiest way to identify the difference of ick and velvet is if the white specks are few enough to count, it's ick. If there are too many to count, it's velvet.

This is my female Marine clown fish in the quarantine tank the other fish in the tank don’t have anything like this on their skin can somebody tell me what this is this is really frustrating

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It has a discoloration behind its first bar behind a tad going back a little ways on the side of its body swimming fine and seems to be eating OK and the smaller mail clown fish is completely spotless nothing on its skin at all

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That blotch looks a lot like Brooklynella, but might be a secondary bacteria of fungal infection due to ich/velvet.
The spots look a lot like ich.

There are lots of pictures online for Brook. Check those out.
This is a little distressing. I think you can treat Brook with dips of other medication. Im now worried about exposing this fish to too much meds in a short time. - copper, and now the other stuff. I heard Brook is a fast killer but this fish has been doing ok- at least behaviorally.
can someone also tell me about the second dose of Cupramine. Tonight Is when I need to do the second dose.
Do I need to do a water change before? Will the second dose be doubling up? The tank is already at .5ml right now

Does copper dilute in 48 hours?
Suggestion: Mix cupramine + fresh salt water to the correct level in a separate bucket.
Then do a water change with that bucket.
It is very hard to guess at how much the copper level drops. You need to test it.
But if you change a large percentage of water with a known concentration, that usually works.

NEVER mix medications in the same tank.
But you can switch a fish from one to another, or give baths with one and treat with another.

I thought Cupramine was somewhat effective against brook also. Not sure though. ??