Reef nutrition

Marlon's 25 lagoon

Bubble tips like to sink their foot into a crevice. It's gonna move till it finds a spot it likes

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Took my rainbow BTA about two weeks of inching here and there before it settled in (I hope for good since I had to move my Aussie Gold Torch over a little). It moved about 6" from where I placed it and it did plant its foot in a crevice like @Vhuang168 said.
Well this happened today
What are you planning on putting right at the top of the left piece? That looks to be 19" tall. Tank is only 22". Anything that is flat (LPS,softy) is going to melt from too much light. Anything upright is going to run out of room fast.

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What are you planning on putting right at the top of the left piece? That looks to be 19" tall. Tank is only 22". Anything that is flat (LPS,softy) is going to melt from too much light. Anything upright is going to run out of room fast.

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I'm not sure yet haven't really thought that out yet. I might break that part off again it was naturally part of the rock but broke off when I lifted it from there so maybe it needs to come off for clearance
New addition to my tank hopefully I can keep it alive been reading that these can be hit or miss. I hope I can hit it. I placed it on a rock I hope I don't have to move it to the sand.!
Big thank you to Enaldy for the led light. It works perfect I just need to get longer power cords for it. I hooked it up to 2 timers I had. I'm going to run blue from 12 to 11 and white from 2 to 930 what do you guys think of this schedule? Too much? I had a pull up bar laying around that I haven't used in over a year so I took it apart and used the tubing to suspend the light above the tank a little diy. I need longer cords to clean up the light clutter.