Cali Kid Corals

Maroon Clownfish Questions

I'm considering a pair for gold strip maroons for my next tank but I've heard they're very mean fish. Will they get along with dwarf angels or wrasses? I've never had an but I really like them. If they get too aggressive ill probably stick with some snowflakes or something
I've heard both from people.

I've heard of them being chill fish. I've also heard of them terrorizing other fish. I really want to say the smaller ones are not as aggressive since they are the runt of the bunch. Can't imagine a 2 inch clownfish punking a 5 inch tang or a 4 inch dwarf angel.

My girlfriend's black clownfish is so mean. It consistently bites our hands if we're in the tank. My ocellaris clownfish is only mean to her mate. She leaves the blue tang/leopard wrasse alone. They actually get along really well.
Maroons are generally some of the meanest and bigger than perculas etc...
Really depends on tank size wether it will get territorial and aggressive with other fish. Ifthey have enough Space to stay away from the clowns area
My maroonie is very aggressive and doesn't let any other fish or clowns near his RTA - he also attacks my hand whenever I put my hand into the tank but I still love him! He may eventually get too big for my 120 but I got him when he was very tiny years ago and is now maybe 3".
Got a maroon gold bar a while back and he was mean to me but cool with other fish, my favorite fish in my 120gal then.

Now, in my 400 gal, a buddy donated me a 4-5inch Maroon thin white stripe, cool with other fish but now there's a RTA in the tank, he's very protective and won't let any other fish near his house. He's cool with me though.

IMO, 30 gal would be too small for the gold bar maroon.
I have a GSM which I got really small about 6-8 months ago. It has always been my favorite saltwater fish so I had to have it. It hosts a BTA and lives with a 6 line wrasse in a 40 gal. It's probably not even 2" yet and stays really close to the BTA so I don't believe the tanks size will affect it for at least a couple of years. It def is aggressive though but mainly to my hand and the algae magnet. Beautiful fish though and I love the clown/ anemone relationship.
