Lol, I don't know how it would do with your desjardini.My house is closer! [emoji13]
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Lol, I don't know how it would do with your desjardini.My house is closer! [emoji13]
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Desjardini, a purple, a regal, a yellow and a tomini to be exact.
Tang wars!
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Wow, really?!? Lemme know when you want it to come live at my house
Erin, yes "cycling scmycling"! The cycle on my 200g system was fast with Dr. Tims and then Prodibio Biodigest/Bioptim and huge water changes with cheap Instant Ocean. [weekly 20% WCs with RC now]. I was not sure whether to plumb my SPS tank to my existing system, so I started cycling it while I was on a Cancun vacay. Decided to plumb everything together, so cycling was no big deal. [300g+ system now]. The SPS frags I got from Mike are really happy in their "new" tank with the Maroons. Just ordered from LiveAquaria (shipping special) a P Brown Tang with a Scopas Tang to tag team against the Maroons in case they decide to claim more territory.
Let me know how you like the scopa tang. I have had a few in my day and my experience is that they become serious A-holes!!Super aggressive and territorial.
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will be interesting with maroons then
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True, should hold its own.
I have never had a pair of clownfish, but I do have a very large maroon. Have had her a very long time. She keeps order for sure, but rarely shows aggression towards the other fish. Even new comers. She will give some boundaries, but not badger them. Maybe yours will be mellow too. They sure are beautiful.
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Thanks for the insight. My Maroon pair is leaving the tangs alone. I am sure it helps that the Maroons are still small (3 inches) and the tangs are at least 5 inches and can hold their own.
BTW, my Powder Brown stood up to the Scopas. They are now "frenemies" ;-)