
Matthew's 65g Skyward Reef

They used to be called cryptic zones, not sure if that still is the terminology or if they've been debunked. But I remember Steve Tyree swore by them. A lot of folks here treat sponges like nuisance algae, I'm fairly neutral to them since I don't have any issues in my display. Maybe @Thales has an opinion on this!

But lower flow areas or tightly packed things could potentially trap other things like biofilms, etc. and start to impede flow into the return chamber.
They used to be called cryptic zones, not sure if that still is the terminology or if they've been debunked. But I remember Steve Tyree swore by them. A lot of folks here treat sponges like nuisance algae, I'm fairly neutral to them since I don't have any issues in my display. Maybe @Thales has an opinion on this!

But lower flow areas or tightly packed things could potentially trap other things like biofilms, etc. and start to impede flow into the return chamber.

IME cryptic zones tend to be detritus sinks. I tried Steve's methods, read all his books, etc. It never did much for me and created more issues then it solved.
Sponges can be good and bad. I do t know enough to know which is which to be honest. I just don’t see the risk reward in a section of the sump like that. Maybe it will be great at generating pods. Maybe it will get clogged. Let’s find out!
Sponges can be good and bad. I do t know enough to know which is which to be honest. I just don’t see the risk reward in a section of the sump like that. Maybe it will be great at generating pods. Maybe it will get clogged. Let’s find out!
If it gets clogged it would just bypass the bubble trap. Not worried
Dosed 7 scoops chemiclean.
Alk after dosing reef carbonate is now 116ppm or 6.495 dkh.


CA 450
Alk 6.3
Salinity 1.024

Looks like the Kalkwasser is helping the CA.
looks like I will need to start regularly dosing Alk. Not happy about that.
In my experience they kinda default to the other food going into the tank plus most herbivores don't like "old growth" algae. Manual removal of the big patches will help. Then grab a tuxedo urchin plus trochus snails. Good herbivores will prevent it from taking hold after removal.
Added: Royal Gramma and Sea Hare from High Tide Aquatics

Now dosing Soda Ash in addition to Kalkwasser.

Current Labs:
Alk 128ppm or 7.168 (Have been Dosing Reef Carbonate)
CA 465
Mag 1440
Salinity 1.024
pH somewhere around 8.0

- Kalkwasser 210mL/Day (1tsp/Gallon Concentration)

- Soda Ash (7.1 to 8.0 @70gallons tank volume)

- Mixed 1 cup Soda Ash in 2000mL of RODI
- Dosing 1tsp to hit my goal
- Math: 1tsp = 41mL
- Dosing 10mL/Day to hit my goal in 4 days (raising dkh by 0.25/day)
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Change the product to Liquid soda ash in the calculator. You can premix the dry powder with RODI to make liquid soda ash. 7.1 to 8 dkh for 70g is about 45ml soda ash. That’s about right
I am embarrassed to say that I aced stoichiometry in Nursing School. I really struggled with the calculation. Thank you.