Reef nutrition

Matthew's 65g Skyward Reef

Matthew Meyer

Supporting Member
Hello Everyone,

In this thread I will be documenting my build of my 65 gallon reef tank. I had one of these tanks in 2017 and had to take it down to go to Nursing School in VA. I hope to replicate some of the successes I have seen in other Bar Reefers tanks. I highly appreciate all feedback and critique, positive or negative. If I make an error or there is a better solution please let me know. I will not be offended. I feel as though I am brand new to the hobby again after taking such a long hiatus. So without further ado.


1. 65g Aqueon AGA Reef tank (Plumbed Durso but modifying to Herbie Overflow)
2. 20g Sump with 1 baffle (To keep skimmer water level stable and to hide heater)
3. Two Mars Aqua 65w (because I just bought this townhouse and can't afford anything else
4. One Syncra Silent 3.0 Return pump with 1" return. Overflow will be two 1" drains
5. RODI system in garage which was generously donated to me from @Qwiv
6. Powered by Kasa TP-Link powerstrip (Would highly recommend 10/10)


1. Mixed Reef tank with:
- White Bristletooth Tang​
- Yellow Tang​
- Blue Star Wrasse​
- Copperband Butterfly​
- Goby/Blenny​
2. Torches/Frogspawn
3. Collect different Zoa's (I am a collector)
4. PROFIT :D:rolleyes:

To do / Purchase List:

1. Trash can for saltwater mixing station
2. Heater
3. Wavemaker
4. Sand 2-3" I suppose

Looking good so far!

Since you're looking for feedback: one thing I would encourage you to consider is the yellow tang if you intend this to be its permanent home. From what I was able to tell while looking, the rough consensus is that a 4' tank is a minimum recommended length for even the smallest tangs (bristletooths) and zebrasomas are much more active.

I'll admit I'm not following that guidance - I have a squaretail bristletooth in my 3' long tank - but, if you want to keep a tang in your tank, I'd suggest focusing on bristletooths (tomini, kole, squaretail, whitetail, etc). My rationale (though this isn't backed up by research, and is pretty much an experiment) was to ensure I had a lot of enrichment (nooks/caves/arches for it to hunt for food in), enough open space for it to zoom back and forth if need be, and to monitor it constantly for signs of aggression/anxiety so I could put it in my larger tank if need be.

That aside - enjoy the build and, when you're ready, I should have a head of frogspawn or another "euphyllia" to give you.
Looking good so far!

Since you're looking for feedback: one thing I would encourage you to consider is the yellow tang if you intend this to be its permanent home. From what I was able to tell while looking, the rough consensus is that a 4' tank is a minimum recommended length for even the smallest tangs (bristletooths) and zebrasomas are much more active.

I'll admit I'm not following that guidance - I have a squaretail bristletooth in my 3' long tank - but, if you want to keep a tang in your tank, I'd suggest focusing on bristletooths (tomini, kole, squaretail, whitetail, etc). My rationale (though this isn't backed up by research, and is pretty much an experiment) was to ensure I had a lot of enrichment (nooks/caves/arches for it to hunt for food in), enough open space for it to zoom back and forth if need be, and to monitor it constantly for signs of aggression/anxiety so I could put it in my larger tank if need be.

That aside - enjoy the build and, when you're ready, I should have a head of frogspawn or another "euphyllia" to give you.
Thank you for the input. This was my concern as well. I had a yellow tang before and he did well, but I may just switch to kole / bristletooth. Thank you for your insight! Happy Reefing!
And I’ll add a little more unsolicited fish stocking feedback;)
I have a copper banded butterfly in my 5ft tank (came with the tank) and it feels small for him. Very active, curious fish that eats a lot. Cannot imagine him in a 3’ for anything more than a temporary stay. That being said, it has become my favorite fish.
And I’ll add a little more unsolicited fish stocking feedback;)
I have a copper banded butterfly in my 5ft tank (came with the tank) and it feels small for him. Very active, curious fish that eats a lot. Cannot imagine him in a 3’ for anything more than a temporary stay. That being said, it has become my favorite fish.
Please. I am asking for advise. I knew this was coming. The copperband is one of my dream fish. I wish I could have a larger tank QQ.
May I ask why you're going with Mars Aqua over something like NooPsyche? The strictly blue par is significantly better on the MA but I like the colors of the NP a lot better. @Ragglefraggle has a ViparSpectra so I'm very familiar with both lights. MA also doesnt have ramping or color channels. Just blues and whites/everything else.
Tank looks good.
Nix the Copper Band, especially with that Wrasse in a tank that small. That wrasse gets big and fast. CO will never get food. They also prefer less flow/calmer tank mates typically and you will need high flow for your Tang. Suggest 1 tang in there. Tang police will still say 0.... 2 tangs will fight in a tank that small for sure even stocked together, so decide on one. Tomini Tangs are the smallest so that would probably be the "best" choice. I'm going to put a Biota Yellow T on my tank, given its captive raised and come in small. I think he will be fine in a 60 for a while Will certainly outgrow the tank eventually but I left a lot of open space, tons flow and swim area, so it is what it is. Captive Stock must do better then wild and if it looks meh, it will force me to get the 240 up or re-home him. Yellow Tangs are $$ now. Looking at $200.

You can get Captive raised angels now and the Pygmi/Coral Beauty would be fine with your coral stocking list, assuming you don't change. Replace one of your tangs.

If you stick with the tang, maybe don't pick an algae eating Blenny unless you plan on keeping a lot of algae in the tank. Lots of other Blennies/Gobys to pick from

Decide if you are going to supplement CA/Alk/Mg or just depend on WC?
May I ask why you're going with Mars Aqua over something like NooPsyche? The strictly blue par is significantly better on the MA but I like the colors of the NP a lot better. @Ragglefraggle has a ViparSpectra so I'm very familiar with both lights. MA also doesnt have ramping or color channels. Just blues and whites/everything else.
I already had the lights from a previous build.
Completed my some custom shelving that will slide back and forth over the glass lid to allow for access for feeding/cleaning. I did cut more holes in the wires to allow more light through (not pictured) works great.

Almost finished with the sump. Building a custom lid for it with $1 cuts from tap plastics. All is going well. I will create a few more adjustable baffles for future projects. Thank god the silicon is holding. I should have used more superglue.


Best is hard to say. I like the simplicity of the sticks of 2 part aquarium epoxy and a little extra super glue in there helps it stick better.

If the blue tape is your tank, that isn't enough space in my opinion.