Cali Kid Corals

May need to restart tank; how big of a holding tank/QT is needed?


Supporting Member
So right now I have a 150g that is stocked with:
1 achilles tang
1 purple tang
2 clownfish
2 leopard wrasse
3 lyretail anthias
2 dispar anthias
1 bicolor blenny
1 starry blenny
1 royal gramma
2 gobies

My acros are being attacked by black bugs and it appears that interceptor is not working. I've completed my 1st dose and if there is no sign of improvement with a 2nd dose next week, I may have to restart my tank. If that is the case, how big of a holding tank do I need?

Would a 55g be sufficient for all my fish for at least the next 1-2 months or should I get a plastic stock tank like this:

While the volume is lower than the 55g, the stock tank has more length which might be good for the achilles. Or do I need even more volume, like 100g?

Would love people's thoughts. Thanks in advance.
Why don’t you just take out all the acros and let the acro eating bugs die off for a few months? Seems a lot easier.

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makes sense but I'm not sure if that is enough. for those that dealth with AEFW or MEN, does removing the type of coral starve them off enough?
I had MENBs maybe 3-4 months back and took out all my montis the day I saw the pests and just put some new montis in maybe 3 weeks ago and no sign of them. I also still have a 55 gallon with stand I got from @Coral reefer for this purpose you can have. Even got a hang on back filter and a heater I think