
Mazzaro LEDs

I have the older version of the Maxspect LED's. They are not dimmable, but I am actually quite happy with the fixtures. I had one bulb burn out and I just replaced was VERY easy and the new bulb was a cree that cost about 5 bucks. No other problems.

However I have read a bit about the new models. I think the light output and look will be great, but I haven't heard much good about the mounting system. It looks cool and kind of elaborate, however the reviews seem to feel it is difficult to work with (especially the elbows to "aim" the units). Overall I am sure the lights themselves would be fine, but can't speak to the mounts or the controller.

I am actually leaning toward Aqua Illumination, or Eco-tech for my new tank as most seem to feel the quality is better. I will however be watching for more reviews of the Maxspects (and all others for that matter) before my final decision is made.
I have been reading about those ai sol LEDs they seem pretty nice. Can you swap out the tri bulbs for different colors? Does the controler offer cloud simulations and stuff like the vortex and mazzara?

I also saw that Neptunes is running them on their 435 tank, so I guess they are getting good par readings. I wish I still lived out that way to go see them. The folks in Florida seem a bit behind and not as many high end reefer shops to try to see new products.

Does anyone on BAR have a set of AI Sols?
I got the sol blues. Check out my thread. They are pretty cool. No real other color options yet as far as I know. Plenty of par!!! The controller can do lots of stuff.
The AI fixtures are definately tried and true. They are also comming out with a new fixture that will be wireless called the "vega (formerly pheonix)." The rep on their facebook page related they would be adding some kind of supplimental lighting that will have additional colors, however the pucks remain blue and white. Still puts out a nice range of color IMO, and corals do well under them. You tube is a great place to check out all the fixtures.......including all the storm, cloud, etc.....modes.

I am about 4 months away from new lighting purchase, and as fast as these things are changing......who knows what will be out? LOL!
The new lights were supposed to be out already. I think they might have gone back to the drawing board when Ecotech came out with the Radion. It will be interesting to see if they made changes. They showed the "Vega" at MACNA last year, but some are saying the new version may incorporate some RGB? I really don't know what they will do. The VEGA is based on the "NANO" configuration. It will have 4 pucks with 5 lights (I think it's 5....might be 6) in each puck. They also say they will be coming out with an upgrade to make the current Sol units into a Vega unit. I am not really sure why you would do that. The Sol units are pretty sweet, but I read the newer puck style is about 20% more powerful. Same colors really, but I guess more PAR?

Anyway, I believe we should see the new Vega soon. Maybe this month, or next month? AI will only say "soon."

As for the Sol blue vrs white. I think the white units were pretty white when all lights were on 100%............however you can turn down the white to get a nice color. So they came out with the blue unit to adjust at the 100% level. The light seems similar to me, but I do like the sol blue. You can turn down the blue as well if you would like the whiter look. LOL! I know it gets crazy. They will both grow coral, so It's a preference thing. The blue helps your corals really POP with color though.
I know a lot of people aren't getting growth with LED's but I han't paid attention to what fixtures. Is it mainly the DIY set up's that don't always work and the AI and higher $$ fixtures do get results?
Thanks guys this is all really helping. It feels like all this technology is so new it's hard to weed out the good verses the gimmicks.

I have to say coming from T5 and halides I do worry that a LED light won't give me good growth. But you guys have seen first hand that the AI Sol blue / white units do get good growth results?

Think I'm pretty close to a decision, don't think I want to wait for the Vegas, who knows when and if they will be any good. If they are that unsure of the design .... Enough to take it back to the drawing board I don't thnk I want to be their guinea pig and spend that kind of money on a light that is untested and was deployed to the market too soon.

This guy has 12 over his AMAZING show tank and is very pleased with the growth and says he can keep SPS much lower in the tank than ever before. This tank makes me drool! WOW!
Oh, and the Vega is tested and proven (sorta). The AI Nano has been out for awhile and has good reviews. The Vega is basically a doubled Nano. Same pucks. I am not for sure they changed the design, that is mostly rumors. My understanding is they are the same color combo of the AI Sol series however with a bit more power. I don't know anything about coverage area or other details. Unfortunately nobody does.

The RGB thing seems to be more of a personal preference. The AI units use the light spectrum that corals like. The extra colors are mainly for OUR eyes and what we like as a color over the tank. No one has really decided if the other colors are benificial for the corals or not. Guess we will have to see how the Radions grow coral to decide if it has a negative or beneficial, or no effect.

Oh, and I counted in that guys video........appears he has 10 units over the tank. The video is 6 months after changing out his lighting.
I didn't notice this was from November, 9 months after changing over to LED's. You can see the corals still have great color and are quite healthy. It is always gonna be hard to tell about growth, but the guy seems to like them a lot and he obviously knows what he is doing. Anyway, this is the kind of stuff that helps me make a decision like this. Clearly it is possible to keep a happy and healthy coral reef with LED's. Not sure what the difference is between the LED's that don't work and the ones that do. I am sure we will all be learning a LOT over the next few years about them.
Wow! I think that tank just sold me on ai! Thanks for all your help, guess I'll order 2 sol blues to start with on my little tank now then add 2 more when the big tank goes online.

Thanks for your help
Well looks like I'll need to wait a bit, everyplace I've checked the Sols are backordered and nobody has them in stock. Evidently ai cannot keep up with the demand. Ill let you guys know when I get them
Even at 30" I think all 70s are good. I have 24" deep and run mine about 9-10" off the water at a peak of 28 white, 36 blue, 46 royal blue. Pretty sure you could lower them a few inches if you had all 70s and turn them up a bit and be more than fine.
good to know, my tank's depth will be 28" deep with about a 4" black sand bed. So the 70 degree shimmers less than the narrower angle then correct?

Called and left a message at the AI sales number, hoping to get some answers on the date of the Vegas, and why and when the Sols will be back on the shelf. I'm tempted to wait AI out, seems like they are slowing production of the SOL in order to ramp up production on the Vega, hence why nothing is in stock right now with no delivery dates set.