It’s a 20g tank with every surface covered with Aiptasia, large 3D printed bio balls to give more surface area for Aiptasia, a relatively small amount of Seachem matrix for the bacteria, no sand or live rock or anything else. Heater, small power head, air pump, no other filtration. No lights. No other species allowed in the tank. I feed a crap ton of live baby brine shrimp for the Aiptasia frequently. Water is dirty by reef standards but not terrible because the Aiptasia are growing. I do 100% water changes when needed.
I’ve already considered all the usual advice for bristleworms in a full reef tank. The number of worms isn’t that bad and I just remove them manually when I see them since they can’t really hide well. I was trying to think out of the box for an additive that would kill them but not the Aiptasia or bacteria, the main advantage I was trying to take advantage of here is that I don’t care if the additive is toxic to something you would normally have in a reef tank but I don’t have here, in other words something that is not reef safe might be fine here- No fish, no sensitive inverts, no sensitive coral, etc.
My question really is just if anyone knows from personal experience if a) PraziPro kills bristleworms, and b) if anything else you’ve used for something else kills them. If there’s no easy answer, that’s fine I’ll just keep doing what I’m doing.