Brandie has a melanarus wrasse and it seems to keep the worm population down. Not sure where you can pick one up that's readily available. I was recently at Aqua Exotic and I don't recall them having a melanarus but I'm not absolutely sure. I haven't been to the other LFS's recently. Might be worth calling around.
I wish I had the same experience as Brandie, when I had flatworms a while back I tried the wrasse approach including a malanurus one but I never saw him or her eating any, so in my case i didn't see a benefit, but certainly there was no harm in adding one. Hopefully you get one that eats them up.
I was going to get a blue velvet, but then was told that it's nearly impossible to keep them alive once the FW population is under control. At least the wrasse can live off of other foods, whereas the nudis tend to starve to death = / that was what changed my mind on that, because everyone knows, I needed another fish in my little 90 like I needed another hole in the head... LoL.
Ask Aqua Exotic to order one for you... they are really good about fulfilling customer requests, and I know you are close by.
i've already done just that. Matt took a look and said neither are available at the moment =(