High Tide Aquatics

Mini Bubble King 160 or Royal-Exclusive Alpha 170 skimmer?


Supporting Member
I'm trying to decide between the two skimmers. I don't have *that* much space in my standard ELOS sump, so I think these are the two largest sizes I can accommodate. The tank is a 48x22x22" ELOS 120, so I think both of these should be good enough.

The cone seems to be super trendy, but BK I've been told to always be the leader in skimming.

What are your experiences with these guys?


- Art
If sump space is the issue, go for the BK Mini-160, pump's concealed inside the bottom of the body as opposed on the Alpha-170
I have the 160 parked collecting dust and the footprint I believe to be 9x9; I can check tomorrow if you want the closest measurement of it.
xcaret said:
If sump space is the issue, go for the BK Mini-160, pump's concealed inside the bottom of the body as opposed on the Alpha-170
I have the 160 parked collecting dust and the footprint I believe to be 9x9; I can check tomorrow if you want the closest measurement of it.

Yeah that'd be sweet if you could measure it. Also where does the water outlet go?
Sorry for the late reply; footprint 10x10 on the BK Mini-160
Image of the skimmer, notice the output standpipe, hope it helps.

Awesome thanks for the picture!

I still don't understand the outlet. Does it come out the bottom of that T? or the top of the red part?
Nope. The majority IIRC are non cone.

Water comes out of the bottom T; The long red pipe has the wedge to adjust skimmer's water column inside the body.

Gresh, they are a beauty to clean since they come apart with ease; most of the parts are easy to disassemble.

The cone skimmers are made by Royal Exclusive under the label Vertex; the name brand Bubble King straight from RE
sfsuphysics said:
I am curious why the Vertex line are considerably cheaper, both use the red dragon pumps ($$$) too.

I know the rumor as to why, ask me at the meeting.
But you do sacrifice a lot of bubble chamber for potential contact time (not that I'm particular sure that makes a difference :D) I mean it's a sweet looking skimmer to be sure but look at how small that chamber is.
I'll compare it against my ELOS and see which one does better in my tank. I'll either sell the ELOS skimmer or just save it for later in case I want to switch back or setup something else =X I'll keep you guys updated! The ELOS kicked in pretty hard the last two days which is nice =)
I love my H&S. Much cheaper and proven performance. I've had a good share of experience with a lot of skimmers (BM, ATB, H&S, ER...) and I just can't justify the cost of a BK.