Cali Kid Corals

Mmmmmmmmm....Whale Eggs!

Wild Beluga Caviar

Banned: Prohibited in the U.S.

Reason: Wild Beluga caviar, which comes from the wild Beluga whale, once achieved a popularity that led to dangerously low numbers of the whale eggs. In 2005, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service banned the caviar to help revive the species.

Are people really this clueless? LOL

Truth stranger than stupidity???

(I remember this from one of those environmental/conspiracy sites, so may be total BS, but does ring true a bit)

Whales of course do have eggs ... in their ovaries.
The Japanese do save the ovaries from their "scientific" whaling, to examine age and a few other things,
but these supposedly show up eventually in restaurants with the other meat as a very high end delicacy.

So who knows, maybe beluga whale eggs really are an illegal delicacy.....
rygh said:
Truth stranger than stupidity???

(I remember this from one of those environmental/conspiracy sites, so may be total BS, but does ring true a bit)

Whales of course do have eggs ... in their ovaries.
The Japanese do save the ovaries from their "scientific" whaling, to examine age and a few other things,
but these supposedly show up eventually in restaurants with the other meat as a very high end delicacy.

So who knows, maybe beluga whale eggs really are an illegal delicacy.....

Sad and prolly true.


I remember an article from a few years back about a deli owner in SF who was illegally catching salmon in the delta and selling their eggs as caviar in his deli. Guess most people are willing to believe caviar is awesome without knowing what it's supposed to taste like.
anathema said:
Crap, I'm exposed to DHMO almost every day! I wonder how long I have to live? :(

Those fear mongering crazies.

They even used the less chemically accurate name of "dihydrogen monoxide" over the more
proper "hydrogen hydroxide", just to scare you and induce paranoia.

Join the Friends of Hydrogen Hydroxide instead.
Praise be - DMHO can be your friend. 0:)