Reef nutrition

Mogul vs HQI

Hi All,

I have a dual 175w electronic ballast that I'm currently using to run two 10K Ushio Mogul bulbs. In the near future I need to rebuild my retrofit lights and I'm trying to decide on the best option for the new build. Here are my options and I want to know what everyone would think:
1. Replace the refector with a "flat" (you know the kind, it's a flat sheet with 2" bent edges) reflector and replace the 10K moguls with 14K or 15K bulbs. Supplimet with 65W Actinic PCs
(My current reflector is somewhat "tight", it is a reflector I pulled from an old PC light so it has a very narrow curve)
2. Replace the mogul bulbs with 10K or 15K 150W HQI bulbs and reflectors and continue supplimentation with 65 W Actinic PC
3. Replcae the refelctor with two "spider" type reflectors and 2 20K 175W mogul bulbs. With this I'll need to remove the actinics due to space.

Right now I am getting great growth on my SPS. Probably because my lights are ~5" above the water and my SPS is ~5" below the water. However, many of my pieces are not displaying great coloring due to the yellow/white tint of the lighting. If anyone has any input, I'd truly appreciate it.

You could replace the lights with 150w DE Hqi w/ something like a Phoenix bulb, pc supplementation would not be necessary in my opinion.
Interesting idea raddoz. Why Pheonix? I have heard a lot of "gossip" about them, AB and Radium recently. In particular about overdriving Radium bulbs. My concern is 2 fold:

1. I'm still trying to figure out the PAR difference between HQI and Mogul. It appears that generally speaking Mogul have higher PAR values.
2. I currently have 415W on my 46G tank for ~9W/Gal. I'd really like to keep the light at this level so with 300w I would want to at least ad some actinic lights to the system.

I accept the fact that a better reflector may actually make the 2x150w perform better than my current 2x175w but I'd be surprised if a low-profile hqi refector would begood enough to replace all 415W that I have. I am limited to verticle space in my hood so I doubt I could get one of the larger reflectors in there.
A good light reflector with a high par bulb will out perform a good bulb paired with a lousy reflector.

I had an outdated Radium bulb (not overdriven, but on it's last legs as far as usage goes) outperforn a brand new phoenix in a de setup. The radium bulb was installed in a pgs reflector.
Hey Rad,

I have come to realize that you are 100% correct. But, my limitation still stand with verticle height and I don't know if I can get a "good" reflector to fit in my canopy. I made an agreement with my wife when I took over the corner of the room that she'd have input (control) of the external appearance of the tank and she chose the factory canopy for my 46G bowfront. Not much room in any direction there. So, I need to make sure I am able to fit any reflector in this confined space. Basically I guess I need to get the best balance of space to PAR.


BTW, sounds like you may have a PAR meter?
Sorry no Par meter.

It sounds like you may find difficulty in finding a good set of reflectors. Have you ever explored overdriven T-5's?

If your canopy is low, it's better for you to use T5. I wouldn't use MH with the kind of reflector you are talking about.
T5s? What are they? ;D

Actually I did investigate T5s but I would be unable to use them due to my horizontal space available. The 46G bowfront tank only has ~11" of space before it curves for the front glass. This would allow me to only put 5x2" T5 reflectors in my canopy. At 39W a piece for the 36" T5 I would only be able to make 195W of total light. Trust me, if I could I would use T5s. Because of my setup I have 6x5" fans blowing air through my canopy. This keeps everything cool enough, temp varies ~.6 Deg F a ady, but I do evaporate A LOT of water, probably ~1.5G-2G a day depending on ambient temp.

Now, to address Elite specifically, I assume you are refering to the "flat" (piece of crap) reflector. I would only use this if I had no other option. Right now I have a separate reflector for my MH and my PC. With the flat reflector I could put them both on the same reflector. Again, this is definitely not my preferred method. With respect to HQI bulbs, I can fit a standard HQI single reflector in the canopy but not a fancy Spider or other "large" reflector.
If you overdriven the bulb using Icecap ballast, you would get a lot more watts :D ..
You can also put short bulbs in front (24" :D ) ..
OK, my interest is peaked. I'm still hoping to figure out a MH solution, but I will investigate the T5 concept further. What type of improvement are we looking at with an IceCap ballast? Anyone have a web link with some test results? Or, does anyone know of a T5 reflector that is smaller than 2" across?

I don't want to get this post too far off topic because I'd really rather stick with MH. In particular my main question is about HQI vs Mogul I guess. I've heard overdriven Mogul are the way to go and I could fit two 175w Mogul lights withe dual parabolic (Spider) reflectors in my hood. But, then I would have no actinic supplimentation so I'd have to go up to 20K. At that level I'm wondering if my coral will slow their growth or have other adverse reactions. I'd definitely like more blue in the tank because 10K yellow is getting OLD....FAST!
There is a visible difference between the "shinyness" of an IceCap reflector vs the Tek Reflector.

The IceCap forum on RC should be able to give you some info on overdriving the bulbs - mind the downside is more heat and shorter life span.
If you can do it, I'd stay w/ MH's. Get the best reflectors that fit, vent really well and you're golden.
I'd consider 2, 150w 14k hqi pendants. I know I've seen very flat ones but don't remember the manuf.
OK, I think I'm getting close to a solution. My favorite option right now is replacing my reflector and lights with a LumenMax 3 DE reflector and overdriven 150W 20K bulbs. However I want to make sure the price is justified. So, I'm looking for some help.

Does anyone have an old 175W 20K Mogul MH bulb I can borrow to get an "idea" of what a 20K might look like on my tank? I know it won't be accurate but it will at least give me an idea on whether 20 is too blue.

Thanks all for your help.

Hey All,

Don't want to start a new trend for my follow-up. I'm coming up on the time when I need to update my lighting. Probably going to buy the parts in the next few days. I think I've narrowed it down to one of these three options:

1. Two 150w PFO mini pendants w/14K(20K?) MH and one 65W PC dual actinic PC
2. Two 150w ReefStar pendants w/14K(20K?) MH and one 65W dual actinic PC
3. Two 150w RO3 pendants w/20K MH - no space for PC actinic

I have ~8.5" from water surface to the mounting point of the pendants so they'll be real close to the water and subsiquently my SPS. Of these what is everyone's opinion? Thanks for the help in adavnce.

BTW, T5s are definitely out because of space limitations.
Ever thought about still using T5s, but with the actinic portion of it? T5 bulbs are cheap and you can overdrive them.

My last setup was very similar to your first option, but with 2x250W and 4x39W of T5s.
The T-5 retro-fits should easily fit the canopy.

I have had no experience with the pfo and reefstar equipment, but the ro3 (250w) are nice. Break a couple DE bulbs getting them to seat and when you have to change them out and SE bulbs start looking really nice after that.
OK, I'd like to do T5, but I just don't see how it is possible. Anyone know where I can find a T5 reflector that is less than 2" wide? Otherwise I'm maxed out at 200W + some for overdriving if I buy an icecap.

Since I don't think that is going to be possible, where can I find a good PC reflector? I can find retros, but all I need is the reflector.

Thanks all for your input. I need to get this done soon. MY LPS is definitely not happy with the current lighting. Need to go back to 20K
Refletor only:

Dual T5 retro:
OK, just when I thought I was set in my ways, something comes along to change my mind. I think I will be leaving the world of MH lights very soon. I hope I don't lose the shimmer affect I love so much.

Here's where I think I am headed now:
2x39w T5 on icecap ballast with SLR reflectors (~110W of light they say) - Actinics
2x95W VHO with internal reflectors on icecap or A4 ballast. - Daylight

From what I have read VHO with internal reflectors don't need much, if any, true reflector. So I may be able to dodge a bullet.

Here are my only "new" questions:
1. Will I lose the cool shimer going to VHO/T5?
2. How much will icecaps overdrive 95w VHO?
3. How far apart do VHO bulbs need to be?
4. Does this sound like a good option for me?

OR.... 2 RO3 pendants with 20K hqi bulbs
Yes, you will lose the shimmer lines. T-5's will not give you shimmer lines.

I don't miss the shimmer lines in my 58g either, but it's not quite a display tank rather a want to be display.