High Tide Aquatics

Money Cowrie

I really like these critters; although NO ONE sells them but has anyone ever found any of these hitch hikers and enjoyed them? I'm curious about if they make a great addition to the CUC?
Have one in my display that transferred over from my 30G Cube - love the little critter, and wish I could get a few more...had this one almost three years.
I love them. I had one hitch hike about 4 years ago. It was about the size of a dime. Before my tank crashed due to contractor negligence,(long story), it was the size of a quarter. It was awesome how it covered its shell I guess when it sleeps. I plan on getting some once I upgrade my tank later this summer.
Some places occasionally carry cowries but usually the larger ones. They are really cool critters and are fairly common ... if you go into the intertidal zones you can find them pretty easy during the day on the underside of large rocks.
Money cowries are great, and I've been on the hunt for some myself. If anyone finds a source for them and wants to do a group buy, count me in. They're long-lived, algae eaters, and stay small - maximum shell size is ~3/4" long.