got ethical husbandry?

Monti eating nudibranch

Thanks Greshem and Jeremy. I think I can lick these pests. I found them early as only one colony has been infested. I'm keeping a close eye on the rest of the montis. My tank is about a year old and is really stable now. It just kinda sucks to go backwards.
I have not seen any in over a week.
They were on 4 different montis and I was able to QT three of them.
I have over ten encrusted montis in the tank that I can not remove.
The biggest Monti eating nudi that I found was no bigger than a flea.
Do they get bigger than that?
I never found any eggs.
I am watching like a hawk.
so far so good.
Success! :) :) :)
I have not seen one nudi in the tank for over a month.
All montis are healthy and growing in the main tank.
I have a healthy population of Monti eating nudis in QT if anyone would like some :D

On another note the red bugs are gone. I treated the tank with interceptor twice.
The first dose seemed to have killed all the red bugs (1/2 tablet for 200 gallons)
The second dose( 1 1/2 tablets) finally whacked the evil peppermint shrimp that were eating my acans.
(I tried to catch them for two weeks and caught almost every thing else three times)
As of now, all is well. Except, I cant find the needle valve for my CO2 reactor that I cleaned when I ran out of CO2 last week.
Tank is looking great and all params are good!!!!
Bring the nudibranchs to a BAR meeting for show and tell!

Careful on your tank. I've seen nudis show up well over a month after looking like they've been gone.
If they live that long I will. They have eaten well over 50% of the montis in QT.
Anyone want to donate more montis to keep them alive?LOL :D

Mr. Ugly, be rest assured I am watching my tank like a hawk.
I can't help myself. Nudis or no nudis. :)
Mr. Ugly said:
Bring the nudibranchs to a BAR meeting for show and tell!

Careful on your tank. I've seen nudis show up well over a month after looking like they've been gone.
There back. Dang!
A small white spot at the base of a green cap. I turned it over and found half a dozen.
It aint over til its over....
I have not found any eggs. What do the eggs look like?

This one was slithering along on the glass of my QT. As you can see he has been at work |(
I had them a few years ago and had to inspect and brush/super glue daily, after about 8 weeks as an aggressive nudi terminator I couldn't find any to kill and have yet to see any return. Be vigilant my friend.

And please if you do come to the swap make sure to label all of your corals "possible monti nudis" or something like that, no way you'll be 100% by then. There's no shame in that and in prior swaps it didn't stop people from taking corals labeled with all kinds of nasties including the dreaded AEFW.
It's been over a month since I last found one.
I hope I do not jinx myself by typing this but I think I may have gotten rid of them.
The ones that I took out of my main tank and put into QT have been through two life cycles and no sign of them in the main tank.
I just finished cleaning my QT tank to get ready for the frag swap.
I plan to QT anything that I put in my tank from now on!
Duh! :)
Sadly I read jeremys got them nasty little guys.
I spent hours plucking them off my caps, my 55g had them also but they weren't affecting my caps, my 30g crashed a month ago and I lost some fish and most of my CUC, I think thats why they got so bad in my 30g.

thanks for the help jeremys
Over 2 months. :bigsmile:
NADA :glasses:
All montis kicking butt! :)
Offering them in DBTC for Oct meeting
I think I dodged a serious bullet!
Thank you all for your great advice.
I will QT all from now on for 30 days.
I may be next in line for this heinous pest. Over the past few weeks I've noticed some of the montis with "bite marks" - small dead spots. I removed one today and found eggs and nudis all over it. Cut away all of the dead and half-live bits and only kept the pristine tips (which I inspected in a microscope to be sure there were no nudis or eggs). Those have been glued to a frag plug.

Like Jon, my corals have never been looking better or growing faster - excepting where they have dead spots (likely due to Nudis).

I may have to pull out every single monti and QT it. Problem is I don't have a QT tank set up at the moment (it's been co-opted for "research purposes"). Jon - want to come to the lab one day and help me out?

Needless to say, I don't think it'd be a good idea for me to bring anything to the swap now - my troubles are just beginning....
Sorry to hear that.
I can help you re-stock some if you lose them.
When is the last time you put a new coral in there?