
Monzer's tank restart


Things seem to be stable and in good order... I think. I have a large bloom of red algae. Any idea how to eradicate it?


Did a test this morning
Dkh:10.9 a tiny lower than I want to be. Trying to shoot for 11.5 if not 12dkh

Ph: 8.26
Nitrates: .05
Phosphat: .08
Magnesium: 1395

Redid the aqua-scraping a little after picking some corals from a few awesome BAR members.




Also, thanks to @lizmv for the Pygmy angle.
Any reason why you want your alk at 11.5 and above? You're running lean on nitrates to be running alk at such levels. Watch the tips of your sps for alk burns.
Any reason why you want your alk at 11.5 and above? You're running lean on nitrates to be running alk at such levels. Watch the tips of your sps for alk burns.

No real reason. But did want to try to see if I can get more growth results.

You’re very right... I should stick below 11.5. I think my corals are at a happy place, and should not mess with it and experiment.

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I keep my tank around 8dKh for a few reasons - one is to match my salt mix, another is to reduce stress on corals and fish, and when I give or receive a coral it’s not going to be as shocked.

I showed that photo of the Pygmy angel to my husband, it made us both very happy to see her in a tank big enough for her personality!
I keep my tank around 8dKh for a few reasons - one is to match my salt mix, another is to reduce stress on corals and fish, and when I give or receive a coral it’s not going to be as shocked.

I showed that photo of the Pygmy angel to my husband, it made us both very happy to see her in a tank big enough for her personality!

Ironically I acclimate everything that goes in my tank after a dip and quarantine. Meaning i get a bucket and fill it half way with the the water that had corals/fish. Then get get a 1/4 inch tube and siphon water out of the tank into the bucket and have it drip slowly (controlled by a valve). Take out some water every 20-30 minutes, and repeat. I do this for almost 1.5-2 hours. It sounds excessive, but it’s has worked and it reduces stress and pests significantly.

By the way, I did notice that the coroline algae exploded when alkalinity was over 9.5dkh. That’s what kind of prompted me.. what if I increase it...
Seeing signs of tip burn and stn/rtn in some of these pics, so you might want to drop your alk back down.

Oh my god... good eye. I did not look closely at those pictures until now.

Hmmmm... so DKH is now at 10.

Need to compare older images to see if it’s worse now or not. Thanks again @Ibn for catching that.

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It’s been a while since the last update. Got a new gig back in October. Been crazy busy since.

Haven’t done much to tank until mid November. Noticed some red slim in the back of the tank. Did some treatments followed by water changes.

While that was going on, couldn’t resist this lithophyllon...picked up it up from Bruce. It’s been very happy.

Picked a gorgeous sohal tang from Neptune during Black Friday sale. It’s been doing well with other tanks mates. Also, picked up purple tang from tmjvb (Thijs).



Now as the far as the parameters:
Dkh= 9.5
Cal= 445
Po4= .07

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So a few weeks ago I decided to buy a tritonlab Test Kit to check and where things are at with my parameters...

So today I got my results.... drumroll [emoji1623]...
what the!?!??! It looks like my Hanna Ca checker was giving me 100ppm more than what the tritonlab Test came back with. I was coming at 435 and tritonlab came back at 335.

Has anyone had similar experience with the Ca Hanna checker?

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So a few weeks ago I decided to buy a tritonlab Test Kit to check and where things are at with my parameters...

So today I got my results.... drumroll [emoji1623]...
what the!?!??! It looks like my Hanna Ca checker was giving me 100ppm more than what the tritonlab Test came back with. I was coming at 435 and tritonlab came back at 335.

Has anyone had similar experience with the Ca Hanna checker?

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The 435 is from 2 weeks ago?

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