Supporting Member
Long story short, my tank was in the garage after my move in early 2011. The contractor did some work in the garage when he was not supposed to. 90% of coral died due to some sort of a chemical contamination. :-(( I had made several attempts to get back into the hobby, but I just did not have any motivation nor did I have a good location for the tank.
When I moved into my house 7 years ago, it had two garages. One attached in the front of the house, and the second was a detached garage in the backyard. This garage was over 900 sqft. It took 40% of my back yard. The prior owner used it as a mechanics shop. For some, this is a dream structure. However, for me, it was a nightmare as I love to garden and play with my kids in the backyard.
So a few months ago, my wife and I decided to remodel the rear garage by shrinking it and using the remaining structure as a gym, indoor play area for the kids. That's when I said, "Oh... the new aquarium would look great here!!" :-D
Well, that's when I went to Robert (Neptune Aquatics) and ordered my the tank. Initially I wanted an 84L X 24 H X 30 D tank. However, I did not want to spend too much on the tank, but more on the corals. So I finally decided to go with a 72L X 26 H X 30 D from Crystal Dynamics. It will be three sided starphire tank. Currently expecting to get the tank in the next week or two. This gives me/the contractor more time to finish up the remodel of the garage.
Back to the garage, lots of work is still being done. Had to add 3+ inches of concrete in some areas as the garage floor was too sloped. Demo and then framing was done in early December which was followed by the windows and doors installations. Two weekends ago, the electrical was finalized and the drywall went in right after. This weekend, the tapping and the plaster is being applied. Hoping by this weekend I can prime and then paint early next week.
As for equipment, I got lucky and scored a few items from other reefers. Also, took advantage and bought some during the black Friday sales.
Pictures and more updates to come later this week.
When I moved into my house 7 years ago, it had two garages. One attached in the front of the house, and the second was a detached garage in the backyard. This garage was over 900 sqft. It took 40% of my back yard. The prior owner used it as a mechanics shop. For some, this is a dream structure. However, for me, it was a nightmare as I love to garden and play with my kids in the backyard.
So a few months ago, my wife and I decided to remodel the rear garage by shrinking it and using the remaining structure as a gym, indoor play area for the kids. That's when I said, "Oh... the new aquarium would look great here!!" :-D
Well, that's when I went to Robert (Neptune Aquatics) and ordered my the tank. Initially I wanted an 84L X 24 H X 30 D tank. However, I did not want to spend too much on the tank, but more on the corals. So I finally decided to go with a 72L X 26 H X 30 D from Crystal Dynamics. It will be three sided starphire tank. Currently expecting to get the tank in the next week or two. This gives me/the contractor more time to finish up the remodel of the garage.
Back to the garage, lots of work is still being done. Had to add 3+ inches of concrete in some areas as the garage floor was too sloped. Demo and then framing was done in early December which was followed by the windows and doors installations. Two weekends ago, the electrical was finalized and the drywall went in right after. This weekend, the tapping and the plaster is being applied. Hoping by this weekend I can prime and then paint early next week.
As for equipment, I got lucky and scored a few items from other reefers. Also, took advantage and bought some during the black Friday sales.
Pictures and more updates to come later this week.