got ethical husbandry?

My 90 gallon tank: video update! (with narration this time!)

gimmito said:
I think it would be wise to invest in a cheap 20 gallon tank, heater, sponge filter, & cheap light to QT new arrivals. I've heard of too many instances where hobbyist wiped out their main displays by not doing so.

How many fish should be QT'd at one time, and would a 10 gallon QT be ok? I do plan on QT'ing new arrivals. Gotta read up on it a bit more, but I don't want to chance a bout of ich or stuff that could potentially kill off any future corals when I get to that stage. If I get into the good habit now, it will be easy later on LoL.
10 gal should be fine except for larger fish. I don't recall you having large fish on your list anyways. Ideally, in a tank that size you want to QT one fish at a time unless they're a small pair or trio.

Here's a good article on quarantine:
And another article on QT:

A quote from the article:
'If you can’t afford quarantine equipment and if you don’t have patience for this process, this hobby might not be for you.'

aqua-nut said:
And another article on QT:

A quote from the article:
'If you can’t afford quarantine equipment and if you don’t have patience for this process, this hobby might not be for you.'


Well, thank goodness I have Prazipro and some Cupramine (thank you Apon!) Just need some Maracyn two. Where do I get those foam filters?? I have yet to see one at Petsmart or Petco..Maybe I am just not looking hard enough.

Also, is there anything wrong with soundproofing/water proofing the tank stand?
I just read thru the link gimmito posted. :tired:

The process is mostly the same. The big difference is one does observation before medication, the other assumes every wild caught has something so treat it NOW! Both de-worm all new fish.
AMG!!!! How do you get the sump in the stand!?!?!?! =(

It HAS to fit. It fits, it will fit, but, it's long, and it's barely not getting by the middle support of the stand. This is very frustrating.
I was going to tell you not to add the QT in the stand...the QT is just temporary when you get new fish, so later in the long run it would be easier to just fill it up and empty it when needed

Glad you got the sump to fit. :)
You might want to try makes posting pics a snap.
Sorry about the frag tank...I should have just shown you guys the main display. ;)
gimmito said:
I shot you p.m.

Pics always help. :)

I need to figure out how to post pics directly to the forum from my phone so I don't have to go thru the hassel of taking them with my DSLR, taking them from the memory card, on the the compy, from the compy to smugmug then wait for the upload, the copy and paste links.

So, I ended up taking out the center beem in the top of the tank. Very little damage if any at all, and I now have perfect little holes for screws. Refugium fits nicely, and will be viewable if the left side of the stand is open. 10 gallon won't fit like I hoped it would though, so Denzil (the bf) will just have to like the extra tank out and about once we start getting fish. I'm sure he understands. After he saw your frag tank Jim, he's wanting to set one up on the bookshelf so we could start corals ^.^ but I told him that that's still down the line. Sump is now in the stand, and once we get that beam screwed back in, the tank will be on it =)

Pics will be up soon....once I clean up the living room from the mess the monsters made. They were very happy to be home, although by all accounts they had tons of fun in the play area of the Hotel. But, they got home and pulled ALL of their toys out.

Now I gotta plan the plumbing for this mini beast. The thought of that still makes my eyes go O.O never thought it was more complicated than hooking up hoses and connections, but I was wrong. What a learning experience this is going to be.
gimmito said:

Glad you got the sump to fit. :)
You might want to try makes posting pics a snap.
Sorry about the frag tank...I should have just shown you guys the main display. ;)

Thanks! LoL, I was not going to let it stop me tonight. If I don't get everything put together, I won't have a living room for months.

Will definitely look into photo bucket, need something easier.

LoL no worries, it actually help him become more enthusiastic. Usually, it's just me, but now he's having a say in fish, and he loves the corals. Now, instead of giving me "the look" at the money I am spending, he's asking me "are you sure you got what you needed? Do you need more stuff? Is all this stuff good stuff?" LOL. We are both ones not to do this half-baked, and it's nice for him to be semi on board LOL.
Jim's tank has that effect on people....when I see his huge makes me want to take my little tanks down.
Apon said:
Jim's tank has that effect on people....when I see his huge makes me want to take my little tanks down.

Made both Denzil and I want to buy a house hahaha. We want a good sized tank when we own a home =)

Your "little" tanks are beautiful, so I am not sure why you would want to take them down. In your 30, I have never seen so many colors in one place. One day, I hope I can have corals like that :) Skimmer fits perfectly, btw, thank you so much. Now my total skim volume that is up to 225 gallons. I hope that will be sufficient, haha.

@Jim, what kind of wrasses were those again? Carpenters? I just wanted to make sure I was looking at the right ones on LA.

On a side note, the tank is here, as is the substrate and new rock...but...NO WATER :'( it's going to be a while too
The orange and red ones are McCoskers wrasse.
The red w/white belly is a red filamented wrasse.
The purple, yellow, w/green spot on the tail is a mystery or white bar wrasse.
gimmito said:
The orange and red ones are McCoskers wrasse.
The red w/white belly is a red filamented wrasse.
The purple, yellow, w/green spot on the tail is a mystery or white bar wrasse.

Sorry, I was way off ><

Do you guys recommend getting several of the same kind of wrasse, or could I do 3 different types of wrasse, 1 each? I was thinking of getting 3 wrasse total.
goldielocke76 said:
gimmito said:
The orange and red ones are McCoskers wrasse.
The red w/white belly is a red filamented wrasse.
The purple, yellow, w/green spot on the tail is a mystery or white bar wrasse.

Sorry, I was way off ><

Do you guys recommend getting several of the same kind of wrasse, or could I do 3 different types of wrasse, 1 each? I was thinking of getting 3 wrasse total.

It depends if you want to see the natural behavior of a trio, which would include a lot of chasing by the dominant male. Although w/the flasher wrasse, you will get a lot of displaying by the male. I would probably go for 3 separate wrasses that would be compatable and introduce them at the same time to avoid agression.

Checkout out for pics of wrasses you may like and you can ask the experts there if they are compatible also.

If you are using Photobucket, copy the IMG and paste it into your post. Then you should be able to see the pics when you are done posting.