got ethical husbandry?

My clam keeps moving..

I also have a little rock that my clam has attached to. It's nice because she stays put on that rock, but I can move that rock around the tank.
This thing can push itself up very high.. strong little sucker.. I might have to build higher wall but if I do that I can't see the clam >:(..
Hi Karl, it's a Maxima..
Lots of people do it, but maximas aren't comfortable on sand. They really belong in coral, on live rock, or in a bed or rubble. Hope that helps ;)
That's an older pic. I made a little flat bed for it out of frag plugs but it moved after 2 days. Before it moved everyday.. I will get some more rock and put it on the rock.

Thanks for Karl.. $25.. can't beat the price ;D ..