Cali Kid Corals

My fish tank

Hey Mark,
Going through your RC thread is like reading a good novel, you can't put it down! Any update on your Grafted Simplex?
Man Mark if you only lived closer I'd be over with a chainsaw and a dump truck :lol:
revo said:
Hey Mark,
Going through your RC thread is like reading a good novel, you can't put it down! Any update on your Grafted Simplex?

Thanks Joe, I don't know bout being good, but its definitely a novel. As for the grafted, I hate that coral. It looks great for a month and then looks awful for a bit longer. There is a reason that it doesn't propagate too well :(
GreshamH said:
Man Mark if you only lived closer I'd be over with a chainsaw and a dump truck :lol:

Sure Gresh ;) My reef is a little hungry right now, I guess its time to go dump in some oysterfeast and arctipods :)
It's hard for me to tell what I am more envious of, your skills at taking pics of your tank or corals or your tank and corals themsleves