Reef nutrition

My new prized anemone might not be happy

I can't tell if he is sick or trying to split. He eats well and has been stuck under the same rock. My params are:

Nitrate= 0
Ammonia = 0
SG = 1.025
Alk = 7dkh
Ca = 520

Here are photos from tonight after feeding a small cube of tuna and from two weeks ago.


looks like it's splitting. my roses look like that when they split. looks like a come up to me. is your temp high? mine split when the temp fluctuates over 80 and back in the 70's
that sounds like it would do the trick if the water was a completely different temp. I could be wrong. But I started out with 1 rose and ended up with over 27 and have been giving them away here and there and sometimes getting some store credit. hasn't happened to me in a while since my temp is constant now that I have T5's. It happened a lot when I had metal halides and temp changed a lot in a days time. good luck. nice nem btw.
Your alk is a little low but nothing that would do that to a nem. Sounds like pouring water on it shocked it into splitting. Splitting can be attributed to stress but there's lots of debate and discussion on this topic. Good luck! Looks like at worst, you'll still have half an anemone left..(which I guess is still a whole) ;)
I've read in a few places that dumping cold fresh sw ontop of them during a water change induces splitting.[list type=decimal]
[/list type=decimal]
Meh, they are not so hot. In fact, I lost almost all of them except the colorado sunbursts, robins rainbow and a red/green. I am now nearly 100 percent sure it is some sort of infectious disease. I had a domino effect style loss of nems as I moved them from one tank to another thinking it was allelopathy. :(