
My water looks like Mountain Dew!!

Here's today's batch of Mt. Dew:

I think the Vortex blows the Magnum out of the water. The Vortex bag is reusable many times (unless you use it for gravel vac'ing...ahem...) and the amount of powder the Vortex uses is far greater for its larger bag. Also, I personally don't like the idea of the electrical motor sitting under the chamber in a product as cheap as a magnum.
newhobby said:
Why is that you always hear people say to feed at night when lights are off for a good 30min at least?
I do notice that all my LPS open up with lights off.

In the wild that is the truth so people think it should be so in the aquarium. Heh, people also think moonlights simulate the moon and actually have an effect on life :lol:

I feed during the day.