
Nano Build Extraordinaire ~ 120 Gallon Mixed Reef

Oh What A day. I will upload pictures tomorrow but can't be happier, tank is on, apex is controlling on the minimal side, lights fully mounted using custom brackets and canopy is on the tank. All plumbing is leak free and new drain plumbing is in and working well. The tank is a little cloudy but we have light and flow so for now we are rolling.

Now it is time for bed since I got up at 2:30 to worry about a leaking tank...
denzil said:
Great to hear! Did you end up using teflon tape for your bulkhead?

I didn't use it on the bulkhead. I just scrapped the glass with a razor and wiped down with alcohol, then installed a new bulkhead being really careful not to over tighten but still get tight. In the end it all worked and then I decided to hard plumb everything rather than use the flex pipe that came with the sump. Cleaner install in my opinion.

anathema said:
If you haven't considered building rock structures with Emaco, you might take a look at this stage of your build.

I also have a bag of Emaco sitting around, might still be good but it's pretty humid in SF so I'd have to check. You can have some free, just pick it up.

Thanks for the offer! Right now we are seeing how we like the layout. It is surprisingly stable without and epoxy but we might change things up a bit. If we do I will take you up on the Emaco if it is still good. Thanks
Here are pictures from finishing up the plumbing. This time I decided to hard pipe it and I am glad I did, it is a much more solid install now.

Plumbing 1

Plumbing 2
After getting the piping all together and doing a quick water test for leaks we decided to switch out the mag 12 to a mag 9.5 which meant another trip to the store. Not a big problem just another delay. After getting back and getting the new pump installed it was time to finish up the lights while everything circulates. Here are the pics of the light build, continued.

Marking out the brackets

Brackets after cutting and drilling

Mounting the brackets to the lights

Mounting the lights and brackets to the canopy bars

Vacuuming metal bits from the hood

Finished Instal

First shots of the tank with Lights (No Apex)

Sunday's Adventures in Reefing...

Sunday was filled with getting the apex system installed and initially programmed, after all, who wants to looks at everything on the ground and not play with the programming. While we were at it we decided we could pick up our first tank inhabitants ( A small pair of clowns that appear to be bonding all ready) while the boards dried to help round out the day. More pictures bellow showing the progress.

PS, I know we just set the tank up and used dry rock and sand however I treated the tank with Dr. Tims One and Only which is supposed to foster an almost instant cycle. We wont be adding more fish friends or Coral until the tank matures for a little while and our numbers continue to be solid.

Spraying the boards to mount the apex system

Doing our first water test to make sure everything was good

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Phosphates 0
PH 8.12
Salinity 1.023 - A little low but good for fish only at this point, will bring up slowly
Temp 78

Acclimating new tank mates

Installing the Modules to the boards

Clown fish enjoying their new home

Installing the boards into the stand with industrial velcro

Followed by hours of running wires and programming both of which are really boring in pictures :)
Tank looks like it is almost through the first cycle....

Tank Parameters:
78 degrees
1.024 salinity
.25 (I think the kit is off) Amonia
0 Nitrites
8 Nitrates (Was over 80 3 days ago)
0 Phosphates

