Cali Kid Corals

NanoCrazed's Lazy Tank(s) Journal

@Kensington Reefer on a more serious note... i have a notes on things that happened around the time of spawning last times... so looking to test out and recreate the magic.

Not sure if it might be related to a seasonal cycle as well. So lots of theories, nothing concrete yet. Though, the second spawn happened around this time previously so maybe timing works out.
perhaps temperature changes could stimulate…
Works on cichlids
just a though, but I’m no scientist
Been awhile...

Tanks have been hit with some bad mojo. My DT is suffering from so stubborn dino issue that just won't go away. Everytime I beat it back with blackout and H2O2, the minute the lights come back, the atuff returns. Have taken out most of my sps.

Then tonight, just discovered both of my heaters failed while I was out in Tahoe... water was 62F but have no idea how long. I lost several tangs... one of which (my large sailfin) was lying on side breathing slow but died minutes after I moved it to get the expired bristletooth out from under it. Sigh. Feel a bit guilty thinking if I might have just left the water warm without startling it, I might have been able to save it.
Been awhile...

Tanks have been hit with some bad mojo. My DT is suffering from so stubborn dino issue that just won't go away. Everytime I beat it back with blackout and H2O2, the minute the lights come back, the atuff returns. Have taken out most of my sps.

Then tonight, just discovered both of my heaters failed while I was out in Tahoe... water was 62F but have no idea how long. I lost several tangs... one of which (my large sailfin) was lying on side breathing slow but died minutes after I moved it to get the expired bristletooth out from under it. Sigh. Feel a bit guilty thinking if I might have just left the water warm without startling it, I might have been able to save it.
Sorry to hear! These tough ones always happen when you are away.
Life's been busy so been off forums and what-not for awhile... didn't help that my tanks suffered yet another string of bad mojo so motivation was low. But finally decided to get back to some level of engagement.

Was on a good start picking up lots of pieces to restart some projects. One being torch breeding -- figured if I can get it to happen twice before, I might have a fair shot at a repeat. I also cleaned up my EVO 12 for a RFA and scoly project as well.

But as with my consistent bad mojo... I had a prolonged spill yesterday and realized that my tank stand for my AquaJapan 85 will be in need for a new stand. Ugh.

When I built my ADU it was the one year the storms hit hard... which unbeknownst to me at that time meant that the clay underneath would be swollen despite waiting for things to dry out before building. As bad luck would have it during the dry weather that'sthe case 99.9% of the time, the clay would shrink and cause the water level to rise towards the lip on one side of the tank. I normally would adjust the flow but when I looked in the morning, it seemed close but not urgent and was running late for something. Lo and behold, I walked into my office to find water overflowing on one corner and all over the floor. Didn't think it was that bad at first when I was cleaning up but noticed the horizobtal MDF panels swollen and deamination under the tank and on the bottom board. Structurally seems OK but likely a ticking time bomb...

The kicker is the ADU has adjustable feet so didn't stress at first since I was planning to tweak things but the bolts are now thoroughly rusted and glued.

On top of that... I discovered one of my tridents have a rusted pinch valve rendering it out of service... no sweat, found replacements on alibaba... and I have a spare trident. Then discovered the sample lime for a all 3 tridents I have are clogged.

I have some sensitive pieces being delivered next week...a working trident would be great since I am traveling g soon after.

So the scramble is on... then I will stress about how to rehome everything across my tanks to do a stand swap...or maybe a tank swap while I am at it. Sigh

Maybe I should go back on Reeling sabbatical...


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On top of that... I discovered one of my tridents have a rusted pinch valve rendering it out of service... no sweat, found replacements on alibaba... and I have a spare trident. Then discovered the sample lime for a all 3 tridents I have are clogged.

Welcome back! Any chance you have a link for those pinch valves/solenoids?
Welcome back! Any chance you have a link for those pinch valves/solenoids?
Finally decided to setup a new tank in my work office... Now that I am on the 3rd floor and far from the elevator, I've decided that the IM20 I had at my desk prior to the pandemic is no longer an option.

My goal is to have a trouble free, nearly set and forget it tank....with maybe an occasional WC. So, chose to resurrect one of my Fluval 5G.

Having a 3d printer has been amazing -- printed out a lid for a 10G aqueon tank as ATO, lid of the filter chamber and a RFG that fits the stock nozzle fitting (lots of trial and error!)

Keeping stocking simple as well... only a pair of clowns from one of my system at home. Also, a juvie purple tang (for now) -- before I get taken down by the tang police... will be using the tank as a nursery of sorts since often the tangs I get are too small to compete for food against the big guys in my DT. So, until the tang get big enough to move to the DT, it'll keep me company at work. This current one I've had since it was the size of a half-dollar.

I was only thinking of keeping BWs in the tank but recently grabbed the inferno from @thephoreefer so in it went along with some macro and photosynthetic gorgonia I picked up recently, and a goni I won at CFM.

Finally decided to setup a new tank in my work office... Now that I am on the 3rd floor and far from the elevator, I've decided that the IM20 I had at my desk prior to the pandemic is no longer an option.

My goal is to have a trouble free, nearly set and forget it tank....with maybe an occasional WC. So, chose to resurrect one of my Fluval 5G.

Having a 3d printer has been amazing -- printed out a lid for a 10G aqueon tank as ATO, lid of the filter chamber and a RFG that fits the stock nozzle fitting (lots of trial and error!)

Keeping stocking simple as well... only a pair of clowns from one of my system at home. Also, a juvie purple tang (for now) -- before I get taken down by the tang police... will be using the tank as a nursery of sorts since often the tangs I get are too small to compete for food against the big guys in my DT. So, until the tang get big enough to move to the DT, it'll keep me company at work. This current one I've had since it was the size of a half-dollar.

I was only thinking of keeping BWs in the tank but recently grabbed the inferno from @thephoreefer so in it went along with some macro and photosynthetic gorgonia I picked up recently, and a goni I won at CFM.

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Looked like a really cool nem from Danh's photos, nice pickup!
What a bummer... came home to this.

Have had my blonde Naso since it was a booger -- it now the size of my palm. All other fish in the system are fine, and nothing had been introduced to it in a long, long time. So have no idea why I lost this beauty.

I hate it when I lose fish with not explanation. No parasites, no weight loss, no obvious signs... nothing.
