Thanks so much for posting that video.I'm sorry, I should have been more specific. I believe the concern is that generally the wiper is connected to a metal rod that could deteriorate over time and add unwanted metals to your tank. They said that the sterilizers with the wipers are meant for freshwater tanks.
Mistake number 19 at 22:00 in the video.
I gleaned from the mistakes they detail that I have my UV set up from my sump...and set up in the worse way possible. The water feeds up into the unit, across the buib, and then back down into the sump. So, I am only turning water over in the sump...not the tank, and more importantly, there is most likely a big air bubble in my UV in the way in which it is set up. UGH!
I never set one up from my sump pump back to the tank because I felt this flow rate was much too high. How do folks here set up their UV's? From the return pump, or in a closed loop feeding water from the display tank into the UV and then back to the tank?