Neptune Aquatics

Need advise: RBTA

They can move over glass, but I don't believe they can walk on sand. So the island would only work if you have a sandbed. If its a bare bottom tank, then an island won't contain them. Basically, you have to have the island surrounded by several inches of sand on each side to contain them. At that point, the only way they could move to another area would be to completely release from the rock and free float. That does happen on occasion, but usually only if the BTA is super stressed. So far, all 4 of mine are completely contained on their island. They move around and touch each other, which is fine, but they can't get to any of my other corals.
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RBTA's are stressful man! Awesome to have in the tank but I'm always wondering if they are doing okay. Mine seem to have stayed put now. But it moved around a lot trying to find a spot. Also not to mention they deflate sometimes and look practically dead. Sigh. lol

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I set up a 30 gallon lPS. Tank with rose 2clowns..cycled for 3weeks had no current tank is a 150 and had have the nem s for 4years its burned a few corals but I like it. far as prices...its only worth what you want to pay...ive managed to sell my for $65-200. 6in-14in.
Merith my RBTA moved exactly where I wanted and has not moved since I put it in about 2 weeks ago.
Nice man. I wish mine would. The rose moved a little after splitting a while ago and decided it wanted to kill the monti next door. The rainbow is still as high as it can get, I swear they are doing it just to taunt me. I can hear them "ha ha ha ha we were pretty when you got us"
I wish. If I turn down the lights I would have to relocate a bunch of sps and tried moving them once with no luck. I'm hoping when move to the 100 I can get them to sit lower

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