High Tide Aquatics

need fish sitter ASAP in SJ


Supporting Member
So I bought a setup and it include a clown fish. I used the same water, put it into a 5 gallon empty salt bucket. I used that bucket for fresh water too, but before I transfer the fish, I rinsed it with the water from the original tank. However he's not swimming as much The bucket has a heat controller and an air bubbler.

Is anyone around SJ to fish sit for week or two or know how I can improve his health?

Hopefully a lesser-noob than I can answer this thread. But what are the water parameters? Salt? Ammonia? PH? Etc that may be important?

When QT a fish, I used rocks and bio balls from my main tank to help.

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It’s the original water from an established tann. He seems to be swimming better now but chilling at the bottom.

Looks like he’ll survive the night.

Call off the marines. Get it? Marines. LOL. Hoorah