
Need help moving from garage to dining room! (20 feet maybe) Oct 5 or 6 San Mateo


Supporting Member
OK, so "Wifebane" is ready to be moved. I need the stand and tank moved and then I can start work on the lights and all the other stuff.

My wife has reached her maximum saturation mode. Apparently 2 years is too long for a tank to sit in the garage.

I've finished re-finishing the damaged stand so it's ready to I need some manpower, hopefully THREE people, since the tank is a 180, so it's quite heavy.

I only need help for maybe an hour on Oct 5 (Saturday) around noon, I'll supply pizza and beer, then we can chat about what a dummy I am.

So please any strong backs that can come to San Mateo, help move a stand and tank 20 feet (through a kitchen door) in Oct 5, in exchange for some pizza and beer let me know! It should be pretty quick.

The stand is light, since I took the doors off, and in fact I may have it moved already, but the tank is quite heavy. It's currently on a rolling wooden cart I made for it, so it might even be reasonable to move the whole thing/cart and all right up next to the stand and then hoist it into place.

Thanks! Let me know!

Oh yeah, the tank is empty, livestock is in the current tank and in a holding tank, so the tank is just heavy by itself, but not stinky or wet.
Thread jack! :). Do you have a holding tank and such I can borrow after your "move"? I could use it the weeks after next to help move/transition my walnut creek to berkeley tank move.
Yeah, if you help me move, I have a 30g acrylic, a 30 g glass, 20g glass, 10g glass. My large holding tank is currently a 100g acrylic, but it's full of rock and fish, which will move to the large tan, but the large tank won't have water for a little while, but you're welcome to it when it's empty. The 100g is 5 feet wide, and single-person moveable. Acrylic is great for that!

(Even if you don't help me move, you can borrow that stuff!)
My large holding tank is currently a 100g acrylic, but it's full of rock and fish, which will move to the large tan, but the large tank won't have water for a little while, but you're welcome to it when it's empty. The 100g is 5 feet wide, and single-person moveable. Acrylic is great for that!

(Even if you don't help me move, you can borrow that stuff!)

We are moving next weekend our "home stuff" so I wouldn't be able to help. Sorry!

The tank stuff is occurring the weeks after that. But sounds like your 100gal won't be available until end of October, which will be too long for me to leave my tank in ultra low maintenance in Walnut Creek all by itself.

Another time, I'd offer to help. Sorry!
I'm not going to be available, but I can let you borrow furniture sliders. I used this to move my 60 gallon tank & stand at the same time.
btw, with the furniture sliders, you only really need one or two people.

provided you don't need to move it to another floor...
I have furniture sliders, that won't work, I need to physically lift the tank up onto the stand!

I'll give Trigger a call, ideally 2 more people, but maybe one more will work.

Thanks guys...anyone else?

Remind me Friday and I can free up some Saturday for you... however try to get one other person, I'm in no mood to jack up my back. While I'm not a tiny person by any means, I'm hardly a weightlifter either.

In compensation I might need you to help move an acrylic tank onto a stand in the future
Day and time set yet? I might be able to help depending on time, but you got Mike so you really don't need me.
I was thinking around noon on Saturday, 12:30? I'm not sure how many people needed for a 180, it's not far to move, but it's heavy!

I will spend the next two days clearing a path! Thanks!

The number of people depend upon how strong they are, and how you plan on moving it.

Two people the size and strength go Gus with suction cups or furniture mover straps could probably do it. People like me, holding onto the bottom edge of the tank with their finger tips... probably want at least 4.

My father and I moved my old 135g tank, that had a lot of wet sand in the bottom from one room into another... but that was not fun at all. If you have furniture dolly's that would go a LONG way to helping move it, yes even with stairs, you use the dolly's to roll it to the stairs, lift it up, have someone grab one dolly put it on the new level, lift the other end pull that dolly and then have the dolly's under it inside the house.
I can probably help. No car tho...I live around the comer from mike tho. 10% chance I am dragged out of town, otherwise I'm in. Check w me by pm fri to confirm
I have two furniture dollies (the carpeted rectangles with casters) they are under the stand at the moment. The stand is not that heavy since I left the door off, so it should be easy moving.

The tank is on a wooden stand with casters. It has handles, sort of like a stretcher or emergency room gurney, but I don't think there is enough space to maneuver the stand into the house, since the "handles" stick out a lot.

But, once the stand is in place, it will free up the two dollies.

The tank is empty and dry so the weight is just the tank.

Both are in the garage, I will clear up the mess around them (that has built up over the years!)

There is a door between the garage and the kitchen, with two steps up to the kitchen, then a 90 degree turn in the kitchen and straight to the dining room. If the rolling stand can fit and turn, then that's easy, if it's not then we gotta lift the tank over.

It should be simple, and of course we can hang out after and talk fish with some pizza and beer!

So tentatively 12:30 on Saturday! I will PM/text everyone with address (San Mateo).

The only fish store near me is "Ultimate Aquarium" on El Camino.

Thanks guys, I really appreciate it! My wife appreciates it even more! Arnold, I'm sure she'd be happy to say hi! (Since apparently you guys knew each other as teen agers?)
yep we used to volunteer at the YMCA together for day camp. I don't drink beer so some diet soda would be great for me. PM your address so I know where to go later.
Old man syndrome kicking in, got home and I felt absolutely drained. Of course I was doing work on my house before I left but damnit if I didn't need a nap!

Did swing by Ultimate on the way home (freeway was in that direction) neat little shop, lots of fish it seems. The workers were unloading fish at the time though so didn't really get to talk to anyone. And saw a blue carpet anemone that made me go "Oooh I want!" I left without buying anything as I don't need anything yet, but if I did, it isn't a bad place to get some live stock, it's been a while since I've been in a store with so many fish choices.
Thanks SO MUCH! Tr1gger, Apon, sfsuphysics (and Coral Reefer for offering!)

I'm so happy that the tank is moved now. Great job and I owe you all a tank move assist!

Now I know that "forearm forklift" straps are useful, and not just infomercial fluff, and those suction cups for glass are awesome! And of course moving dollies are a Godsend!

But mostly, thank you fellow reefers for helping me out on such short notice!

Mike, I woke up aching, I had a ton of other moving after you guys left. Now I'm trying to work and meet a deadline for tomorrow.... sucks!

Ultimate is nice and close, I'm interested to see what that Aqua Exotic has to offer too!
