I started this journal on another unmentionable forum, but realized that forum didn't really represent my beliefs with reef keeping. In fact, far from it. So here I am!
I actually started back in 2003 with a 10 gallon, then moved up to a 40 gallon, then moved out of the country for a while, and didn't start back up until about a year ago with a 10 gallon. I realized that if I was inclined to really get back into and really enjoy the hobby, I needed to set up a tank that I could really appreciate on my own.
Here's a quick photo journal of where I started and what I currently have:
- 60 gallon Mr Aqua Rimless
- Custom Kritter Tanks sump
- 2x 6045 nanostreams
- 2x BRS dosers for Alk and Calc
- 1300 laguna powerjet return pump
- BRS Deluxe GFO tumbler
- Jager heater
- 1 PFO hood & ballast 250w 14k Phoenix
- 12 LEDS, 10 RBs, 2 Blues, from RapidLed.com attached to a modified PFO hood
- NWB110 skimmer
- ReefAngel Controller
-- ATO
-- Dimming
-- Full control over everything under the sun
Some of the pictures are old. I've since added more corals, moved a few of them around, changed and removed equipment, etc. I've also organized the sump area just a bit. There are some SPS pieces I put on the back of the rock formation, in the hopes that it will grow up and into view. It's deceptive, because I have at least 4-5 kinds that you can't see from the pics alone
I also moved my tank across my living room to a better spot. I drained a good 60 gallons out, and put it on furniture movers / sliders made for hardwood floors (they come with this furry condom-like cover). Didn't take more than a total of 30 minutes for the entire move with the help of my fiance.
My RBTA also split literally the week I got it, and my false perc jumped =(. I had that girl since... 2004? So I added a DIY screen. I don't like the looks of it, but I don't want to lose anything sentimental again.
I'm in the process of finding ways to move some of the coral off the bottom of the tank onto the rocks or walls. One solution I've implemented is resin coated neodymium magnets for attaching any coral to the back wall. This was by far not an easy DIY nor was it inexpensive, but it's doable--I just wish there was a more complete guide before I started. If anyone is curious, I can tell them the steps in detail. The steps can also be used to create really strong frag racks. So far I am utilizing one set of magnets for a severely injured rainbow montipora on the back wall.
I still need to find a way to put a reservoir into an ottomon I bought cheap at Target. For now, a 5 gallon food-safe container is being used.
Coincidentally, my friends are also the owners of RapidLed, and they gave me a great deal on more than just leds. They're truly great friends, and they deserve this plug!!
More pics to come once I start adding a few things I *plan* to pick up this weekend.
I actually started back in 2003 with a 10 gallon, then moved up to a 40 gallon, then moved out of the country for a while, and didn't start back up until about a year ago with a 10 gallon. I realized that if I was inclined to really get back into and really enjoy the hobby, I needed to set up a tank that I could really appreciate on my own.
Here's a quick photo journal of where I started and what I currently have:
- 60 gallon Mr Aqua Rimless
- Custom Kritter Tanks sump
- 2x 6045 nanostreams
- 2x BRS dosers for Alk and Calc
- 1300 laguna powerjet return pump
- BRS Deluxe GFO tumbler
- Jager heater
- 1 PFO hood & ballast 250w 14k Phoenix
- 12 LEDS, 10 RBs, 2 Blues, from RapidLed.com attached to a modified PFO hood
- NWB110 skimmer
- ReefAngel Controller
-- ATO
-- Dimming
-- Full control over everything under the sun
Some of the pictures are old. I've since added more corals, moved a few of them around, changed and removed equipment, etc. I've also organized the sump area just a bit. There are some SPS pieces I put on the back of the rock formation, in the hopes that it will grow up and into view. It's deceptive, because I have at least 4-5 kinds that you can't see from the pics alone
I also moved my tank across my living room to a better spot. I drained a good 60 gallons out, and put it on furniture movers / sliders made for hardwood floors (they come with this furry condom-like cover). Didn't take more than a total of 30 minutes for the entire move with the help of my fiance.
My RBTA also split literally the week I got it, and my false perc jumped =(. I had that girl since... 2004? So I added a DIY screen. I don't like the looks of it, but I don't want to lose anything sentimental again.
I'm in the process of finding ways to move some of the coral off the bottom of the tank onto the rocks or walls. One solution I've implemented is resin coated neodymium magnets for attaching any coral to the back wall. This was by far not an easy DIY nor was it inexpensive, but it's doable--I just wish there was a more complete guide before I started. If anyone is curious, I can tell them the steps in detail. The steps can also be used to create really strong frag racks. So far I am utilizing one set of magnets for a severely injured rainbow montipora on the back wall.
I still need to find a way to put a reservoir into an ottomon I bought cheap at Target. For now, a 5 gallon food-safe container is being used.
Coincidentally, my friends are also the owners of RapidLed, and they gave me a great deal on more than just leds. They're truly great friends, and they deserve this plug!!
More pics to come once I start adding a few things I *plan* to pick up this weekend.