High Tide Aquatics

New future member

sfsuphysics said:
Asbestos is a natural product too! :D

So are rattlesnake bites and catastrophic earthquakes :)

I guess I need to insert my typical quote "there goes your reefing career!", unless of course you can grow some boobs Jon, then you're set :D
Thank you all so much!
I just brought the whole famn-damily home and all are well.
A little tired but very well.
Based on the facts I have complied then, I have come to the conclusion that excessive exposure to saltwater increases your odds of having a girl. Either that or ginger is causing it.
Congratulation John! How exciting! Since Cerissa and I have been practicing forever to get one, do you want to trade her for some top shelve corals? hehe
seminolecpa said:
Based on the facts I have complied then, I have come to the conclusion that excessive exposure to saltwater increases your odds of having a girl. Either that or ginger is causing it.

I can actually agree to this. I was not in the sw hobby when my son was born. I've been in this hobby for a lil over a year now and I have a 6 month old baby girl.

So if I want to increase my odds of having a boy again do I need to get rid of my tank? :bigsmile: Haha!
Would be a funny survey to do. Just off the top of my head

Me- 2 girls
Jon- 2 girls
Rich- 1 girl
Brian- 1 girl
Charles- 2 girls
Jess- girl
you- 1 girl since reefing

What is really in our water :)
Two boys, but they were all born before I start reefing, in fact I should have started before the younger son, we always want to have 1 boy and 1 girl.
seminolecpa said:
Would be a funny survey to do. Just off the top of my head

Me- 2 girls
Jon- 2 girls
Rich- 1 girl
Brian- 1 girl
Charles- 2 girls
Jess- girl
you- 1 girl since reefing

What is really in our water :)

Add me on that list, one girl after starting SW !!