got ethical husbandry?

New Member- San Jose


Supporting Member
Hey everyone!

I joined the club recently and pulled the trigger today on the Supporting Member today! I’m out of town down South for work for the next few weeks but looking forward to setting up a new reef tank when I get back home! I currently have a plain 75Gal FOWLR and a Red Sea Max E170 that I finally started adding corals before my work trip but then this trip happened unexpectedly so I had to put that on pause.. I also had plans on upgrading my 75Gal to something larger 125Gal-200Gal and although I don’t have the tank yet I’ve slowly started buying things for it and getting it delivered to my house lol. I’m still not 100% sure on size because I’ll be honest.. when I set up the 75Gal I didn’t even bother to check which way my floor joists ran but now that I’m thinking of a larger tank it’s definitely something I’m going to need to look at for placement. I’ve really been eyeing a Waterbox Reef 190.5 or a Red Sea Reefer XL 525 G2+ though. Of course that brings up the Waterbox vs Red Sea debate lol. Anyways sorry for the long post! I just wanted to introduce a little about my tanks/plans because I’ll definitely be needing some advice. I think I’m a little on the younger side (22yo) of this hobby so I’m definitely looking forward to learning from more experienced people in the hobby. I bought my first 10 Gal Freshwater tank when I was 13 and ever since then I’ve been in love with the hobby. I only started Saltwater a couple of years ago because it seemed complicated and it scared me off but now I’m testing the waters with Reefing and I’m excited for my journey!
Welcome to the club! Definitely a wealth of knowledge here.

Reading different peoples tank journals is a good way to see how things can be done. I link mine below my signature and I tried to include lots of details in my home tank journal.
Welcome, and echoing the comments about coming to the right place and checking out tank journals.

If you're interested in larger tank build threads, I'll plug @popper , @Beanju , and my own (all Innovative Marine tanks, though; and all 200 gallons) as they're pretty recent, and the ones I've most been looking at. :)
Welcome @MarcosDelgado0 ! 22 is definitely not on the younger side since many of us here started around then or younger. Definitely absorb all the info you can and learn from our mistakes and successes. A well planned out tank will just have fewer issues in the future.