You might right-size your chaeto light as others suggested to the bioload, H160 is going to be a better match than H80, get more chaeto if you only have like a golf-ball size clump or something (your tank needs a basketball sized clump...) and add something like Brightwell microbacter to help export the nitrate via your skimmer. I hope you are running your skimmer and refugium light 24 hours?
You are going to have to work really hard to avoid a tank crash, with high nitrates at T=2 months with a large sand bed your best outlook is nuisance algae. You don’t have enough corals or coralline yet to compete with algae, and you may not be able to acclimate urchins or sea hares to such high nitrates, which means algae has a chance to take a good hold early on. I would buy one or two urchins immediately and if they can’t live in your water, you should lower your nitrates via water changes, because you are going to need about 30 urchins when the algae hits. And if you have not been removing your corals from the plugs you already have 6 kinds of nuisance algae that have probably already spreading. Lol! I hate algae and someday after spending 4 hours cleaning algae from your tank during your weekend you will understand why we are all getting upset with PTSD looking at your setup.
You are going to have to work really hard to avoid a tank crash, with high nitrates at T=2 months with a large sand bed your best outlook is nuisance algae. You don’t have enough corals or coralline yet to compete with algae, and you may not be able to acclimate urchins or sea hares to such high nitrates, which means algae has a chance to take a good hold early on. I would buy one or two urchins immediately and if they can’t live in your water, you should lower your nitrates via water changes, because you are going to need about 30 urchins when the algae hits. And if you have not been removing your corals from the plugs you already have 6 kinds of nuisance algae that have probably already spreading. Lol! I hate algae and someday after spending 4 hours cleaning algae from your tank during your weekend you will understand why we are all getting upset with PTSD looking at your setup.