For the life of me, I can’t figure out why my nitrates are at 0 while my po4 is 0.04.
Some details:
70g tank, 30g sump, 10 fish, chaeto growing well, using a regal 150sss skimmer (a tad oversized maybe?). I’ve used filter socks before but have kept them off for weeks now.
So every time I try to increase feeding, my po4 spikes but nitrates stay low. How do I raise my nitrates without raising po4? Trying I figure this out without dosing nitrates if possible.
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Some details:
70g tank, 30g sump, 10 fish, chaeto growing well, using a regal 150sss skimmer (a tad oversized maybe?). I’ve used filter socks before but have kept them off for weeks now.
So every time I try to increase feeding, my po4 spikes but nitrates stay low. How do I raise my nitrates without raising po4? Trying I figure this out without dosing nitrates if possible.
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