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No water charges?

I ran it for about 9 months on a 75g with a canister filter. Shoot, I only cleaned my filter once a month or 2 during this time. It worked, but everything seemed to slow down in growth and I had to feed less. Once I went back to weekly 8% water changes, everything took off again. It can be successful, but might slow growth, at least for then the coral are getting use to it. You'll never know how it affects your system until you try though
I know a lot of people are successful with the Reef Moonshiner's method that doesn't require water changes.
I think you should always do some water changes. If you’re hands are in your tank, you can be introducing small amounts of pollutants, like soaps, detergents, oils, etc
Water charges? One time years ago I felt a tingling when I put my hand in the tank when a wire was breaking. It was unpleasant. I don’t do it on a regular basis.

For water changes, I tried the Triton method a few years ago. No water changes, good additives, ICP testing. Made sense to me. Problem was that many of the times I’d do their ICP test the results interpretation they give told me to do several water changes, after having not done them. So basically my no water change method was still doing water changes. Now I do changes once or twice a month. I still like the Triton Core7 additives and ICP tests, but I don’t try to go without the regular water changes.
Eh. Yea. No water changes for softies and some lps. Super easy stuff. It can be done.
Here’s the catch tho. Once you move into a little more difficult and corals that require cleaner water. You’re gonna be in trouble.
Every 5-10 years you’ll find treads. They are all the same basically with a few twists. It’s manipulating your water. But you’re gonna pay for it in additives.
Erin @Kensington Reefer. Once told me in a slight moment of clearly that he had. Of course he doesn’t remember it. But I do. Water changes have positive ions. Dirty water has negative ion. You need to remove the negative for the positive cuz at some point. There will be too many negatives. Then he went back to being Erin. Dunno what happened. I was like Daymn. Knowledge.
I know a lot of people are successful with the Reef Moonshiner's method that doesn't require water changes.
Are they integrating the DOC tests yet? I know that was something that Salem has been talking about a lot as something you can't directly affect without water changes and/or ozone.

But people have success either way, the biggest thing is if you're using it as a way to justify lazy reefer syndrome, in which you'll be destined to fail just by a lack of observation and interaction with the tank. People that have eyes glued to their tanks seem to have success with whatever method they use.
I was doing once a week, noticed faster sps coral growth, but poor color in sps, now I recently switched to every 2 weeks slightly slower sps growth but color is improving. Small non scientific experiment on my part. I'm Trying to find the happy medium yet anything odd happens will go back to weekly without hesitation.

In my zoa and leather tank i change the water in it with water taken out from my other two tanks after their water changes probably every other month.

So in short i cycle new water into my main tank, use the removed water in my hammer tank, take hammer tank water and use it in zoa tank. After zoa tank it's discarded. So far process hasn't hurt anything but keeping a close eye on things.

My hammer tank has the best skimmer so water taken from it is probably cleaner than the water in my main tank.

Some people on videos claim to make no water change work, often as someone else mentioned the desire is justified from being lazy in tank maintenance and not form a environmental save the world type concern.

Some people on similar vidoes say tap water works. Neither of these however are mainstream practices in the hobby. While they may appear to work for them it's less than likey to work for most people.
I like the analogy
Think of a fart in an elevator

And adhere to
The solution to pollution is dilution
Lots of food in
Large n frequent water changes
New water is “ideal”

You’ve “reminded” me, but I still don’t recall that specific “ions”
But water changes DO remove undesirable ions, and REPLENISH the ions needed for growth

Best fishes and happy reefing
My 168, and 300 both are/were minimal changes with full dosing. I like going with wet skimming out some water and replacing with fresh salt water.

My 30 softie system needs almost no new water.
Water changes are essential for a successful tank IMO. The frequency is debatable. I do 10%+ weekly.

The objective is to remove unwanted stuff. Nothing more, nothing less.

Not doing them works perfectly fine until it does not.
So I lost my tank in a house fire about 4 yrs back.
Thinking about restarting this year.
I had a 65gal with a 20gal sump 10 gal pod tank.
I ran mostly OG sps with 3-4 small fish. (Sad I had them over 5yrs)
I had one LPS isolated at the top of it.
No zoa many few the file fish couldn’t get to.
I started off with a mix tank, but I noticed at night they were wage war. Automatic squirrels would put out these long sweeper tentacles some are clear and you can’t really see them. In my mind, they release toxins into the tank.
Do the same thing, one reason I trim
Mostly old school sys. I trim each because of the size of tank and I didn’t want large colonies.
Many different all with only a few branches.
Fun part for is watching the base grow.
I hit up LFS looking for 12 in frags. Yea most farm raised but some of wild.
The pride was the purple monster Sps both type with proven lineage. Must said lost many b4 I got thing right.
So I was 2yrs in with no water changes.it was ezpz to care for. No skimmer too.
So basically just a return pump from sump back to main tank.
But b4 this I ran the works co2 reactor from Germany ,O2 reactor. Lots of probe I sent water sample for testing etc got caught up with all the hype of gadgets.
I hoping to return no water charges.
Just not sure if I can wait that long to get tank establish with a healthy ego system. After all tank ran for over 6 yrs.
I had 5 in of sand live rock in the sump. Full of sponge. So this was the black zone no light.
The pod tank was full of common seaweed everyone had with few live rocks.
This is were hundreds if not thousands tiny shimps and pod with live.
Good lighting on a reverse cycle.
I kinda think I need a yr before reaching stay environment.
But I know myself I would start to rush, and that would be a very bad thing.
Well like I said 4 yrs out and I didn’t follow latest trends. Just wondering if any new breakthroughs.
Did they ever control the Sps flat worms.
Yes I had in tank but controlled.
I would zap the Sps and flat worm release because of the charge. The file fish and one other fish would be waiting to eat them up.
Lots of work back then
Oh boy do I ramble in my old age….lol
So I lost my tank in a house fire about 4 yrs back.
Thinking about restarting this year.
I had a 65gal with a 20gal sump 10 gal pod tank.
I ran mostly OG sps with 3-4 small fish. (Sad I had them over 5yrs)
I had one LPS isolated at the top of it.
No zoa many few the file fish couldn’t get to.
I started off with a mix tank, but I noticed at night they were wage war. Automatic squirrels would put out these long sweeper tentacles some are clear and you can’t really see them. In my mind, they release toxins into the tank.
Do the same thing, one reason I trim
Mostly old school sys. I trim each because of the size of tank and I didn’t want large colonies.
Many different all with only a few branches.
Fun part for is watching the base grow.
I hit up LFS looking for 12 in frags. Yea most farm raised but some of wild.
The pride was the purple monster Sps both type with proven lineage. Must said lost many b4 I got thing right.
So I was 2yrs in with no water changes.it was ezpz to care for. No skimmer too.
So basically just a return pump from sump back to main tank.
But b4 this I ran the works co2 reactor from Germany ,O2 reactor. Lots of probe I sent water sample for testing etc got caught up with all the hype of gadgets.
I hoping to return no water charges.
Just not sure if I can wait that long to get tank establish with a healthy ego system. After all tank ran for over 6 yrs.
I had 5 in of sand live rock in the sump. Full of sponge. So this was the black zone no light.
The pod tank was full of common seaweed everyone had with few live rocks.
This is were hundreds if not thousands tiny shimps and pod with live.
Good lighting on a reverse cycle.
I kinda think I need a yr before reaching stay environment.
But I know myself I would start to rush, and that would be a very bad thing.
Well like I said 4 yrs out and I didn’t follow latest trends. Just wondering if any new breakthroughs.
Did they ever control the Sps flat worms.
Yes I had in tank but controlled.
I would zap the Sps and flat worm release because of the charge. The file fish and one other fish would be waiting to eat them up.
Lots of work back then
Oh boy do I ramble in my old age….lol
What is this zapping the tank proccess you describe, I've never heard of it beyond the zapping of aptasia. I doubt I would zap anything with my fish in it lol, but it does sound kinda interesting as you described it.