High Tide Aquatics

Non clownfish in anemone tank

Recently I've been thinking about putting fish in my tank that isn't a clownfish, Clowns are great but they arent the most active swimmers once they stop fighting.

I have a very strong feeling that any other fish that I put in an anemone tank would just get killed by the anemones.

Are there any fish other than clowns that would be somewhat okay being close to anemones? I was considering going to Neptune to buy a wrasse and see what happens but id like to get an educated opinion before I gamble away my money :D
If you have BTA's you're fine. I had a number of non-clowns in my propagation tank. If memory serves me a tang to pick some algae, a couple of mollies for the same reason, a Wrasse or two, and a fantastic pair of Orange-Spot Filefish.
I’ve got a 16 year old anemone that’s been with all kinds of fish and hasn’t killed one that I know of.

every once in a while, a new fish will hit the anemone during feeding time, and get a sting, but they learn & stay away.