Cali Kid Corals

Oceanic 57G Illuminata and 120G Tech Series Tanks - In stock


Neptune Aquatics
LFS Owner

We have in stock:

Two 57G Rimless and Reef Ready Illuminata from Oceanic at $380/each:


We also have one 120G Tech Series (black) in stock for $913/each:


Both series comes with complete Durso overflow kit and ready to go. Let me know if you're interested.

I just picked up one of the Illuminata tanks that Robert had in stock. I was looking at the other 57 gallon one, but the 5 year warranty on this tank and the size of the overflow was too good to pass up. The current 20 gallon nano I have is getting too overgrown from the pieces I got from Garvin and the last BAR raffle, so now it is time to move into something larger.

Thank you Arnold for helping me wrestle the tank and stand into the car. Everything made it home - though now the process of finding a sump and all the other bits and pieces begins.
your welcome - let me know when you get that 100 gallon. ( Upgrades come at 2x for most of us) This will be full in 2 months. BAR swap coming up.