Neptune Aquatics

Oiram's prop little tank

Sorry to hear . Was at a LFS at" lights on" recently and OMG ! I have never seen so many FW'S. Frags plugs were covered .
Same place 2 hrs later couldn't see to many. Good Luck.
Well, no AEFW that I can spot but then again no ACROS that I can spot alive too :( ; SPS in general took a dive too deep; some montis are "OK" but not looking in the best shape. The green stag from one day to the next was wiped clean of any flesh...
LPS on the other hand are doing well.

At home tank is doing fine; clowns have finally spawned; what used to be the male of the large RIP true perc, has turned into female leaving the black clown and the tiny ocellaris as the males; one of those weirder weird things...
Well, after months of the crash I think the nail has been hit dead center.
I wanted the heathers to be in the sump to have more space for corals so one was placed in the sump and one in the fuge; no heather at all in the display. When water is too low in the sump, return pump shuts off thus cutting heath to the main tank; temperature droped dramatically during night/early morning and disaster happened (I assume)
I learned that lesson today, months after...